Yesterday, Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a vacation outfit. I always seem to struggle with this theme, but she gave me a peasant blouse to use as an example. I added some soccer shorts, a skateboarding helmet, and some moccasin boots. Label said I captured the vacation look, and she gave me some Labelle socks.

My bank account balance reached 58 million bells yesterday (May 26th).
Today, Label only sent me one tailors ticket in the mail, so I apparently didn’t do as well as I initially thought yesterday.
Anchovy was camping up at the campsite. I already have him in Wild World, so I don’t need him on my pizza. I mean, on my island.

When I walked into Marina’s house today, I didn’t find Midge. Instead, I found Punchy awkwardly standing directly behind Marina, for several seconds without moving. It was weird.

Over in Sudden Valley, I saw Ketchup running around, having lots of fun playing in the rain when she didn’t know I was watching. It was just so cute.

Later, I attended K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show at the plaza. He performed K.K. Dixie for me, Bones, Louie, and Midge.

I then completed a few Nook Miles+ achievements, and I prepared my first tomato bagel sandwich before wrapping up my night.