Stamp Rally 2023

It was raining in Forest tonight, and Rio warned me to be careful.

Rio: We've got a rainy night tonight! Have fun out here, but be super careful, viva!

Over at the plaza, I joined Static for K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show. K.K. D&B was the random song tonight.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. D&B?

Up on Rainbow Road, I ran into Midge. She seemed a little too excited about digging holes and plunging her shovel into the pristine ground. Is she thinking about digging a grave for Marina? 😮

Midge: Doesn't it feel great, just digging? That feeling, when your shovel first breaks the ground, is just...sublime.
I feel like this is the start of her becoming a serial killer.

The Stamp Rally is underway, and I found the stations in the art gallery.

The 18th and 19th centuries brought us rococo and romanticism. I could stare at those styles all day!

After collecting all the art stamps, I redeemed my card for an art plaque. Of course, I’ve earned these before, so I didn’t feel the need to stamp my cards for the other galleries.

The art stamps for the stamp rally.

Just a few other quick notes about the last few days:

  • On Thursday, I sold my remaining turnips for 155 bells apiece.
  • I also sold five bugs to Flick for 44k.
  • Yesterday, I sold 15k worth of fish to C.J.

See you all next time!

Coconut Tomato Hybrid

On Sunday, Kyle the wolf was camping at the campsite. He’s pretty cool, but I didn’t invite him to town.

Kyle, at the campsite: Heya! Are you from around here? I'm kinda on vacation, just relaxing and focus-grouping a few things...

Tuesday, Midge was hanging out around Marina’s house. In other words, the spot where she used to live.

Midge hanging out in front of Marina's house.

I think she wants her old house plot back, but how far is she willing to go? I’m afraid she’s going to murder Marina and make calamari out of her. She’s clearly up to something!

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in an everyday outfit. She gave me a camo bomber-style jacket as an example to use. I put it on, but I also added some denim pants, a plain cap, some octagonal glasses, and some pleather sneakers.

My 'everyday' look for Label.

I am definitely not a fan of this look, but fortunately, Label loved it. She rewarded me with some Labelle shorts, and then I changed out of those clothes immediately. 😛

Today, Bones was talking about how much he loves spring. He said it was like a green fall. 😛

Bones: I love spring. It's warmer than winter and cooler than summer. It's like

Ketchup was sitting on the beach, and I went over to talk to her. But when I did, I accidentally shook a coconut tree…and it looked like her entire body was a coconut.

Ketchup: How are you, lucky? I'm taking a FAB break! That's short for Fantastic Awesome Break.

It’s the first coconut/tomato hybrid. 😉 Instead of Mr. Potato Head, she must be Miss Tomato Head. 😛

A few other notes about the last several days:

  • Saturday, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Hop for me, Louie, Ketchup, and Punchy.
  • Wisp gave me an upright organizer Sunday.
  • I helped Gulliver Monday, and he sent me a katana on Tuesday.

See you next time!

Opera Singer Extraordinaire?

I listened in on a conversation between two cats holding umbrellas tonight. Ankha was telling Punchy that today wasn’t her day, and Punchy suggested a solution: Eating fried ice cream until his stomach hurts.

Punchy: It's great because it tastes yummy AND the pain makes me forget allll my other problems.

Ankha appreciated the suggestion, and she told Punchy to let her know if she can do anything in return…in a pyramid.

Ankha: If there's anything I can do in return, just say the word, in a pyramid.

Punchy asked if she minded if he started using her catchphrase, “in a pyramid.” Of course, Ankha didn’t mind, so now they’re both using it. It doesn’t make much sense for Punchy to use it, but oh well. 😛

When I visited Marina, she asked me a very odd question: She asked if I was an opera-singing superstar!?

Marina: Were you a really huge superstar, with a string of opera hits?

What on earth gave her that idea? Surely it isn’t this outback hat and shirt with camera? 😆

Me wearing an outback hat and shirt with camera.
Resident Representative… and Opera Singer Extraordinaire?

Over by Resident Services, Bones apparently just learned about wishing on shooting stars. 😛 But he planned to wish that he could hang out with his best snack buddy (me) more often. Awww, Bones. Let’s hang out, buddy. 🤗

Bones: Next time I see one, I'm gonna wish to hang out with my bestest snack buddy more often!

Flick was in town tonight, and I had a dozen bugs to sell him this time (mostly wasps and scorpions). He paid me 66,900 bells for them all.

Diving for three sea creatures was one of my Nook Miles+ goals, so I did just that. My second catch was a scallop, and Pascal popped up to ask for it. He started talking about his hat…

Pascal: This hat's been hugging my head for a loooooong time now. In a few more years, it's gonna feel kinda awkward.
If it doesn’t already, why would it in a few more years?

Not exactly his wisest bit of dialogue, and definitely not among my favorite lines. (These are better, in my opinion.) By the way, he gave me a pearl for the scallop.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Enjoy Tears of the Kingdom if you’ll be playing it like I will! 🙂