June FNF

Before I get into tonight, I just have a few notes about the last few days:

  • On Tuesday, Marina sent me a thank-you note for the birthday gift, and she included another copy of her photo.
  • Gullivarrr sent me another pirate dress for helping him out.
  • On Wednesday, I sold 145k worth of fish to C.J.
  • Wisp gave me a merchandise table tonight.
  • I sold 11 bugs to Flick for 73k.
  • I found a D.I.Y. in a bottle from Ursala, who admitted to being evil. 😉 Surprisingly, the D.I.Y. was actually one that I needed (a gear apparatus)!
Ursala signs a DIY message bottle as 'Wicked Genius ursala.'

Tonight, I opened my gate at 10:00 for Friday Night Forest. It was my first FNF since February! (In New Horizons, at least. I did have one in New Leaf on June 9th.)

Bran came over, and I let him try out my obstacle course. I beat him a couple times, but the last race was very close!

Racing on the obstacle course against Bran.

We also raced on my vaulting pole race, visited Marina (and played some music in her house), and I did some fishing. Bran left around 10:40, and my town was empty…but the night was far from over.

About five minutes later, Logan came over and I raced against him on the obstacle course. We also headed over to the vaulting pole race, but just as we were about to start, Jac tried to enter…and we got disconnected.

I reopened, and Logan returned. Nami also came over, and the two of them raced on my obstacle course. They even wore matching yellow raincoats. 😆

Logan and Nami, in matching yellow raincoats, start the obstacle course.

Logan won the match, but it was close. Congrats, Logan!

Maria then joined in; I hadn’t seen her in a long time! When she came over by the obstacle course, she saw Nami and Logan and asked if she needed a raincoat too. 😆 (If you’re not aware, some of my previous obstacle courses had specific outfits you needed to wear, like a frog suit or King Tut outfit, etc.)

Maria: Do I need the rain gear?

After I raced against Maria (I won), Xavier also came over. He and Maria also raced, and Xavier had a close, come-from-behind win.

We also had a few vaulting pole races, for the last time before I remove the course in the coming days. Afterwards, we posed for a group photo. Even Ankha joined in. 😆

A group photo of Logan, Maria, Jeff, Xavier, Nami, and Ankha.

Shortly after that, Sacky came over, and Bran returned. I was surprised so many people showed up after the night had such a slow start! I must have a lot of night owls on my roster. 10 p.m. is too early for them. 😉

Nami starting putting items on stools, and we were laughing at how the characters kind of jump when they pick something up off the stool. Even though the stool isn’t that high off the ground, our characters act like it is. 😛

Jumping up to grab a pitfall seed.

We then had a bit of a revolving door. Nami left temporarily, Logan left for the night, then Nami returned. We went over to my house, and I showed everyone my wall of former villager posters. We also checked out the other rooms of my house, some of which I haven’t been in for a while.

Hanging out in my space room.

Shortly before 1:00, I ended the session. I had a good time! Thanks to everyone who came! And sorry to Jac, who tried but couldn’t get in.

Today, I posted a new video, New Horizons Moments #21. It has my latest highlights from Forest (one-player clips). I hope you’ll check it out.

See you all next time!

Marina’s Party

Yesterday, Punchy gave me a free denim cap, and he told me to “go be a fashion person now.” 😆

Punchy: go be a cool fashion person now!

It actually did match my outfit, so I decided to keep it on.

K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed “Two Days Ago” for me and Ankha. But Ankha kept her eyes closed for almost the entire show!

K.K. Slider performs for Ankha and Jeff.

Today is Marina’s birthday, and I crafted a mermaid dresser for her. With her being an octopus, I was hoping she’d appreciate the aquatic theme.

Mermaid dresser

I headed over to her party, and she seemed to enjoy the gift. She even commented on how expensive it was.

Marina: Oh, in a marina! You brought me a mermaid dresser!

Louie was also there to help Marina celebrate, just like last year. But there was no sign of Midge… 😛

Louie: Today is Marina's big day, oh banana. Everyone's in party-flex mode!

I saw a big shadow in the river, and I fished out an arapaima! The best part is that I caught another one about 15 minutes later!

I caught an arapaima! How did it get here? Arapaiknow!

Tex the penguin was camping at the campsite. I’ve had him in New Leaf before, and I’m not really a fan. His eyes look like stickers, and his beak looks like it’s made of chrome. 😛

Tex, at the campsite: Heya! Are you from around here? I'm kinda on vacation, just relaxing and focus-grouping a few things...

On the bright side, at least the black skin under his beak doesn’t look as much like a mustache and/or beard, like it did in New Leaf. 😛

I found Gullivarrr on the beach, and I went diving to search for his communicator. It took me three dives to find it, and he’ll be sending me a reward in the mail.

Yesterday, I posted a 40-minute gameplay video of me grinding for Nook Miles (not that I needed them, haha) during a thunderstorm. If you’re interested, you can check that out here:

And just a reminder that I plan on hosting Friday Night Forest this week (Friday, June 30th at 10 p.m. EDT). Anyone on my roster is welcome, but I’m not looking to add anyone new now, sorry.

See you all later in the week. Have a great day!

Poster Wall

Flick was in town on Thursday, and I had 24 bugs to sell him. He gave me nearly 140k for them all. Nice. 🙂

Yesterday, the Nooklings were paying 123 bells for turnips. It was too late in the week to risk waiting for something higher, so I sold them at that price for a total of 249,690 bells. (That included 30 free turnips that I picked up at the hospital on Monday.)

Thanks to Xavier’s help, my poster wall is now complete. Rizzo and Beardo almost look as if they can see the cannon pointed at them. Rizzo is half turning away while looking scared, and Beardo can’t even bear to watch. 😆

Posters of my 16 former villagers.

Thanks again, Xavier for five of the posters, and Alex for the idea. 🙂

The June Bug-Off was held today, and I participated in three rounds. In the first round, I was doing well, and I even caught a banded dragonfly. Of course, it helped that it got hung up on the bridge, but I’ll take it. 😆

I caught a banded dragonfly! Gotta keep this up!

I ended up catching 12 bugs, which equated to 14 points. My 2nd round went awfully bad; I kept scaring away a bunch of ground/flower bugs, and I even missed an ant! How does that even happen? How could I fail to catch a snail? …I mean ant. 😉 My third round went a bit better, but not as good as round one. Anyway, here are the complete results of my three rounds:

  • Round 1: 12 bugs, 14 points, 10,860 bells 😎
  • Round 2: 5 bugs, 7 points, 1,020 bells 🤦‍♂️
  • Round 3: 9 bugs, 11 points, 7,905 bells 🙂

I redeemed 30 of my points for rewards. I scored a bug cage, a butterflies wall, and…another bug cage. How exciting. 🥱

Flick: BEHOLD! A bug cage!

And wouldn’t you know it, the first bug I caught after the Bug-Off caused my net to break. 😛

The bells I earned from selling bugs and turnips this week helped my bank account balance grow. I hit the 60 million bell mark tonight. 🙂

Savings Balance: 60,000,000 bells.

K.K. wasn’t in town tonight, due to the Bug-Off. See you all again next time!