Two Pearls of Wisdom

Sunday (July 2nd) was Agent S’s birthday, and I headed over to her house for the party. I gave her a scooter that I bought at Nook’s Cranny, and she seemed to like it.

Agent S: Wow! I wasn't expecting you to get a scooter!

I’d love to see her riding it around town. She already has a helmet on, so it should be okay. 😉 Marina was also at the party in the morning, and Louie stopped over later in the evening. Happy birthday, Agent S! 🙂

Louie: Today is Agent S's day! Let's make this a party to remember!

Thanks to a suggestion from Nami, I added a stage flame machine to my basement. Now the flames can reach up and burn Rizzo. You know, just in case he isn’t injured enough from the cannon blasts. 🔥

Fire reaches up to burn Rizzo's poster.

While diving, I found a scallop. Pascal popped up and took it from me, while telling me about the best way to ride a bike…and his preference for water slides. 😛

Pascal: It's more fun to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow. But, like, a waterslide is more fun that ANY bike.

He gave me a pearl for the scallop.

Yesterday, Agent S sent me a letter, thanking me for the gift. She sent me some round-frame glasses.

Curlos the sheep was camping over at the campsite. I had no interest in adopting him.

Curlos, at the campsite: Hey, you're a local, right? The name's Curlos.

Today, I was diving to complete a Nook Miles+ goal, and I found scallop (and Pascal) once again. This time, he said it’s OK to be a couch potato…just not a bed yam. Hey, what’s wrong with bed yams? 😛

Pascal: It's OK to be a couch potato. Just don't be a bed yam. Maaan, that's just not cool.
Hey, don’t sleep on bed yams, maaan.

He gave me another pearl in exchange for the scallop.

Happy Independence Day for those in the U.S., and have a great day, everyone! See you next time!