Final Fireworks of 2023

Yesterday, Pascal popped up when I found a scallop while diving. His latest words of wisdom were a warning about eating too fast.

Pascal: Biting the inside of your mouth while you eat is your body's say of saying, Slow down, maaan.

Later on, I headed over to Sam’s town of Seattle for another going-away party he was having. I was the first to arrive, but Logan, Jac, Jesse, and Matthew soon joined in as well. We had some net fights, we played around with ocean sunfish (naturally), and we went pole-vaulting around a pond.

Pole vaulting around a rectangular pond in Sam's town.

Sam then led us up to his obstacle course, which I mentioned back in April. But he made some changes to the rules: The player on the yellow moon has to turn on the red, purple, blue, and 2nd yellow stars, while picking up purple star fragments. The player on the blue moon must turn on the 1st yellow, green, white, and pink stars, while picking up red star fragments. Um…what???

Jeff: omg. Logan: Hopefully I can remember.
Why not just use one color for each player?? πŸ˜›

I beat Logan on the first run, but his pockets were full, so Sam called that a technicality…even though I made room in my pockets before the race when I saw my pockets were full and Logan didn’t. πŸ˜› So my win didn’t count, but that was enough for me. πŸ˜› Sam decided to simplify the rules, and he beat Matthew in the next race.

Nicky came over, and most of us turned into King Tut for a while. Once we had our fill of falling on our faces, we headed up to the Roost for some coffee. I was a pirate, for no apparent reason. And of course, they scolded me for drinking too early. πŸ˜›

Drinking coffee at the Roost.
Arrr, pirates be thirsty sailin’ the salty seas!

After that, we went outside and gathered for a group photo under the fireworks. Of course, this was the last fireworks festival of 2023.

A group photo in Sam's town during the fireworks festival.

Shortly after that, Sam ended the session. Thanks for the good time, everyone! And good luck on your adventures, Sam!

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed K.K. Parade for me. Midge, Punchy, and Ankha were also there to enjoy the show.

K.K. Slider performs for Midge, Jeff, Ankha, and Punchy.

Even though I (again) forgot to buy turnips yesterday, I at least picked up my 30 free ones from the hospital on Lottie’s HHP island.

TV’s True Purpose

When I visited Rio on Thursday, she was telling me about her TV.

Rio: I watch a bunch of music shows so I can keep up with what's trending. But my TV's really here for...

She said that even though she watches some programs, her TV is mainly used for video games. Same here, Rio.


I wish there really were playable video games within New Horizons, though.

I helped out Gullivarrr by retrieving his phone, so he sent me a pirate beard in the mail yesterday.

Tonight, I started up the game expecting to find K.K. Slider in the plaza. However, he wasn’t around because there was a Bug-Off today…even though I played too late in the day to compete. Flick was there to tell me about the next Bug-Off in September.

Flick: The next Bug-Off is in September. I hope you find your way to the path of communal bug collection then.

Today’s Bug-Off was on the minds of several of my villagers though, and Midge asked how mine went.

Midge: How was your Bug-Off?

Agent S said she saw a really cute bug during the Bug-Off, but she decided to let it run away and be free. πŸ˜›

Moonscar Party

On Sunday night, I headed over to Logan’s town Moonscar for his fireworks party. Sam and Matthew also joined in, and we greeted each other with ocean sunfish. But I soon found a Wii remote I stuck my face into.

Jeff, sticking his face into a Wii remote standee: It's a remote possibility.

Before long, Alex, Nami, Nicky, and Yann came over too. We headed over to the museum, where we played some museum tag and then got some coffee.

Brewster: ...That's a little worrisome...

But the coffee shop smelled a bit fishy for some reason. Not the most appetizing place to drink some coffee.

Brewster: Coo... Thank you very much.

Unfortunately, I got disconnected when my Switch overheated…but I returned a few minutes later. We hung out in the plaza for a while, and then we played a few rounds of sumo.

Jeff and Matthew playing a round of sumo.

I actually won two of the three matches I participated in, which was unusual. πŸ˜›

Xavier came over, and we hung out in Logan’s house for a while.

Hanging out in Logan's basement.

It was getting late, so those of us who were still around took a group photo before Logan ended the session. I had a good time, so thanks to everyone who was there, and to Logan for hosting!

Group photo of Logan's party.

Yesterday, Flick was in town, and I sold him 287k worth of bugs.

Today, I found a message bottle that actually had a new D.I.Y. recipeβ€”a hyacinth crown.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a hyacinth crown!

I already had the hyacinths I needed around town, so I crafted it right away.

Bob was sitting near Hyacinth Pond, and he looked cute when he turned back to speak to me. It almost made the worst line of dialogue in the game tolerable. πŸ˜†

Bob: Can you guess what I'm doing? huh huh huh... I'm sitting, so I bolted!

That thought bubble you see in the background there? It was Static, who wanted to move out of town. I quickly squashed that thought. He’s going to be here a long time.