Tater Tot

At Able Sisters on Wednesday, I saw they had a superhero mask for sale, so I bought one. (I didn’t have one in my catalog.) But now I can look like an inkling from Splatoon, if that random, specific need ever arises again. 😆

Trying on a superhero mask in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

At the plaza, I participated in group stretching for the first time in a while. Kapp’n, Brewster, and even Gullivarrr joined in.

Group stretching in ACNH.

Speaking of Gullivarrr, I helped him out and he sent me a pirate-treasure robe in the mail on Thursday.

Bob came up with a new nickname for me, and I thought it was cute: Tater tot. We already have Ketchup in town, so why not have a Tater tot too? 😛

Bob: What about...tater tot? Whaddaya think? Real cool, huh?

Yesterday was Bones’s birthday, so I crafted a stone lion-dog for his birthday gift. He seemed to be surprised by it (in a good way, I hope).

Bones, at his birthday party: Oh wow, like... Whaa?! This is a stone lion-dog, right?!

His next-door neighbor Midge was also there to help him celebrate.

Midge: I wasn't sure you'd come, Jeff, but I'm glad you did, in the sky!

Happy birthday, Bones!

Later, I found Bob and Rio sitting on a bench together at the plaza. They were both enjoying a cup of coffee. ☕

Bob and Rio enjoy some coffee on the bench.

Flick was in town, and I sold him 155,000 bells worth of bugs.

This morning, Pascal popped up and shared his thoughts about ducks playing dodgeball. 😛

Pascal: Do you think ducks get confused during heated dodgeball matches?

Ankha was crafting something interesting…a pile of cash. 😆 Too bad we can’t craft this in real life. 😛 💰

Ankha: everyone who's anyone is going to want a pile of cash!

Speaking of cash, my savings account balance topped 64 million bells tonight.

K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed one of my favorite songs: K.K. Faire. Ketchup, Bob, Agent S, and Louie were also there for the show.

See you next time!

4 thoughts on “Tater Tot”

    1. Ankha: Nooooooo! I didn’t do any crime!
      Copper: (to Booker) Ever heard of a counterfeiting cat?
      Booker: Yeah, why?
      Copper: Because you’re seeing one…

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