Squirrel Break

On Sunday morning, I bought 2,400 turnips from Daisy Mae, priced at 94 bells apiece. The total cost was 225,600 bells.

On Sunday night, I helped out Wisp by recovering his spirits. In return, he gave me a bottled beverage.

On Monday, I found my squirrels enjoying some nice beverages of their own on the bench at the plaza. They’re so cute. 🙂

Static, sitting with Agent S on a bench: Hey, it's tater tot! Always a pleasure.
Agent S: Hmm... What should I do tonight?

I bought a simple small dresser and a merchandise table from Jolly Redd, since both were color variations I didn’t have in my catalog.

On Tuesday, I helped out Gullivarrr. He sent me some pirate flooring yesterday.

Today, the Nooklings were paying 131 bells for turnips. I sold enough of my turnips (1,750) to ensure a profit for the week. And I still have 700 left in case the price goes up any further.

Saharah was in town, and I found her on the beach. The odd part is that it looked like she was waving to the ocean! That was odd.

I was surprised by today’s message bottle, because it contained a D.I.Y. recipe I didn’t have yet! It’s for a gold-nugget mining car.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a gold-nugget mining car!

When I went diving for a Nook Miles+ goal, I caught a scallop. Pascal popped up and started talking about missing socks.

Pascal: Does a missing sock think it's missing? Maybe it just chose the life of adventure, and that's cool.

Even though this dialogue sounded familiar to me, it’s not the same thing that I was thinking of. Yes, that’s right, Pascal has a different bit of dialogue about missing socks (see the other one).