Two Places at Once?

On Thursday, Mira the bunny was camping at the campsite. I liked her a lot in New Leaf, but I’m not so sure about the way she looks in HD.

Mira, at the campsite: Hey, thanks for stoppin' by. everyone here, like, SUPER friendly?
We’re both red zap superheroes. 😛

Her yellow eyelashes look a bit weird, and her mouth is…diagonal? I know she looked like that in New Leaf too, but the low resolution made it less noticeable. I still like her, of course, but I didn’t kick anyone out to adopt her.

Tonight, K.K. Slider was at the plaza, warming up with a (sad) song that I liked. I wasn’t sure what song it was, though. So I just told him I was feeling blue, and he performed “Two Days Ago” for me, Punchy, and Ketchup.

K.K. Slider performs for Punchy, Ketchup, and Jeff.

Good song, but that wasn’t the one he was practicing moments earlier. I wish there was an option to tell him to play what he was just singing!

After the show, I went straight to the Roost for some coffee. But somehow, Punchy was already there! 😛

Punchy, at the Roost: But...then why do grown-ups always look so tired, at the Depot?
Punchy beat me to the Roost.

After completing my daily tasks, I put some money into the bank. My account balance reached 68 million bells.

Good night, everybody!

Bones: Nighty-night! Sincerely, Bones!