Home in the Sky

On Monday, Ketchup gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a shell music box. It was one that I didn’t have yet, believe it or not!

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a shell music box!

Midge asked me to visit her house, and I don’t normally bother with these requests. But this time, I was nice and I accepted the offer.

Midge: To my place we go, in the sky!
Let me craft a hot-air balloon first.

We played a game of High Card, Low Card, and I won a plain paperboy cap from her. I stayed a couple minutes, and then as I was leaving, she gave me her photo!

Midge: I hope now's a good time to give you Midge's photo.

Even though I’ve earned Midge’s photo before, that was the previous Midge (that lived in Forest from 2020-2021). This was the first time that this Midge gave me her photo. 😛

Out on Lottie’s Island, there were lots of yellow-and-white flower petals falling from the sky! I’m not sure what this was all about, but I don’t remember seeing it before.

Yellow and white petals falling from the sky on the Happy Home Paradise island.

I had another good camper yesterday: Ribbot the robotic frog! It was tempting, but I ultimately chose not to kick anyone out. I wouldn’t mind having Ribbot in the future, though!

Ribbot, at the campsite: I'm on a quest to find a new rival. My last one flexed so hard they got stuck like that. It was awesome!

Tonight, I went diving and caught a scallop. Pascal popped up and started talking about bones and fossils.

Pascal: Are fossils bones that turned to stone, or are bones just rocks in denial about their true nature?
That’s a boneheaded question. 😛

Here are a few other quick notes about the last few days:

  • Celeste gave me a large star fragment on Sunday night.
  • Wisp gave me a checkout counter.
  • Bob was sick with a cold on Monday, so I gave him some medicine. In return, he gave me a rumba costume.
  • I helped out Gullivarrr, and he sent me another pirate outfit yesterday.

6 thoughts on “Home in the Sky”

  1. It’s great that they bought back the robot villagers and added a new one in New Horizon (not counting Pocket Camp etc.) . The Switch is good at showing off their metallicness as well.

  2. The flowers on Lottie’s island mean that there’s a music festival going on on the north beach. You should check it out sometime, they are always fun 🙂

    1. Thanks! I’ve attended festivals before, but I don’t remember the flowers. I think I’ve seen like glowing orbs or embers floating around instead. Does it vary by season, or just randomly perhaps?

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