Blob, Grilling, Werefish

Poor Punchy was sick with a cold today, and he felt like a “total blob.” 😛

Punchy: My brain's foggy...legs are wibbly... head's all clogged up...I'm like the living definition of total blob.

So I bought some medicine for him, and he started to feel better. He rewarded me with a light-up flower crown.

Louie, Midge, and Ankha were grilling some vegetables in the plaza. The food smelled delicious, but they didn’t offer me any. 🙁

Louie, Midge, and Ankha grilling some Jeff can only sniff.

I caught an ocean sunfish, and that will probably be the last one I get before they go out of season this weekend. If you don’t have one to keep in storage, you only have a few days left!

Pippy the bunny was camping at the campsite. She’s nice, but I did not attempt to adopt her.

Pippy: Hi there! I'm Pippy, and I'm totes camping on your awesome island!

Ketchup was talking about the moonlight tonight, and I’m not sure if this dialogue was about the full moon coming up soon or not. But she was afraid of “werefish” and vampires coming out at night. 😛

Ketchup: the thing about all this moonlight is, you so have to watch out for all the werefish...and vampires!

When I saw this patchwork low table at Nook’s Cranny, I knew I just had to buy it for Bob. It’s colorful (and blocky), so it reminded me of the kiddie furniture that Bob loves throughout the series.

Tommy: Seems like you're interested in a patchwork low table.

Bob appreciated the gift, and he gave me a checkered sweater vest in return. One of these days, he’s going to give me his photo. Just not today.

Bob: Is this...for real? Am I really getting a patchwork low table?!