An Eye for Mushrooms

I recently updated the dream version of Forest, for the first time since last winter! So if you’d like to check out the current state of Forest, including my Halloween decorations and Zelda obstacle course, head on over to dream address 6717-1633-3682.

On Sunday, I bought 1,800 turnips from Daisy Mae for 97 bells apiece. On Tuesday morning, I sold them for almost double that price: 187 bells. That helped my savings account balance reach 71 million bells.

Savings Balance: 71,020,000 bells.

I ran into Pascal while diving on Monday, and he had some words of wisdom about not making mountains out of molehills.

Pascal: They say not to make mountains outta molehills. But if you're making mountains, can you be that picky?

Even though Tuesday was Halloween, I did not participate in the festivities this year. At least not in New Horizons; I did play some City Folk, though.

Yesterday marked the beginning of November, and mushrooms can now be found on our islands. Isabelle reminded me that they can also be used for crafting, since I’m just so used to selling them immediately.

Isabelle: Of course they're delicious, but don't forget they can also be used in the occasional DIY project.

But you will want to sell the rare mushrooms, which are worth 16,000 bells apiece. Keep an eye out for them.

Look: I dug up a rare mushroom!

A few quick notes about the special visitors lately:

  • Last Saturday, Gullivarrr sent me another pirate outfit.
  • K.K. Slider performed K.K. Western for me, Rio, and Ankha.
  • I helped Gulliver yesterday, and he sent me yet another sombrero today. I don’t know why he sends so many of these.

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