Calm Bones

On Sunday, I ran up to Ketchup to chat with her. As the camera zoomed in, it placed me and Ketchup between vertical columns of fire. Maybe I’m just easily amused, but I thought it looked pretty cool. 😆

Ketchup: Oh, sweetkins! I'm bottled up!
Ketchup is going to end up with some grill lines.

On Tuesday, I found Wisp in my Zelda obstacle course! Well specifically, he was on the divider that I use to follow the action. He always seems to pick awkward places to hang out.

Wisp hangs out between two moons on my obstacle course.

Once I found and returned his spirits, Wisp rewarded me with a desktop mic.

Today, Jolly Redd was in town. He had a color variation of a retro ice-cream case that I needed in my catalog, so I bought it. I just wish I could sample the ice cream…

Redd: The charm and elegance of the very finest oolong tea, wrapped up into a retro ice-cream case...

Bones kept going on and on about how “perfect” my vertical banner was. Could it be because it has bones on it? Maybe he wants to dig a hole and bury them. 😛

Bones: I have got nothing to say about the vertical banner. It''s perfect.

He tried to explain himself, saying he wasn’t being silly. He was just being…calm?

Bones: I'm not being silly. I'm just...real calm right now, at the Depot. Real calm.

Nah, you’re just being weird. But that’s okay, Bones. Weird can be good.

Just a few other quick notes about the past several days:

  • Static was sick on Monday, so I gave him some medicine. In return, he gave me a printed-sleeve sweater.
  • I helped Gullivarrr out, and he sent me a pirate barrel on Tuesday.
  • On Tuesday, I found two rare mushrooms, both in the same part of town (highest cliff level in the northwest).
  • Yesterday, I sold 11 bugs (mostly wasps) to Flick for 55,500 bells.