Evening Birds

Last night, I found a lost item on the ground. I returned it to its owner Louie, who could recognize it just by the awful smell. 😆

Louie: Ew! That smell... Uh, yeah. No doubt that's mine.

He thanked me for returning it by giving me his photo! Of course I already had four of them, but it’s the thought that counts, I guess. 😛

Tonight, Pascal popped up when I found a scallop in the ocean. I gave it to him, and he told me some words of wisdom about early birds and…evening birds?

Pascal: They say the early bird gets the worm, but those evening birds seem to be doing just fine.
Night owls be like “Hoo?”

Ankha was sick with a cold, so I crafted some medicine for her. She took a spin and consumed the medicine, and she started to feel better. She gave me an ironing board to thank me.

Ankha spins as she takes her medicine.

Saturday night is K.K. Slider night, so I asked the singing dog for a random song. He performed K.K. Robot Synth for me and Agent S. It’s not a song I’ve heard very often, but it sounded pretty good. 🤖

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Robot Synth?

Two of today’s fossils were inside my Zelda obstacle course, so it took me longer than usual to find them. Most days, I don’t walk through the course. Just when I haven’t found all of the fossils.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you all next time!

Calm Bones

On Sunday, I ran up to Ketchup to chat with her. As the camera zoomed in, it placed me and Ketchup between vertical columns of fire. Maybe I’m just easily amused, but I thought it looked pretty cool. 😆

Ketchup: Oh, sweetkins! I'm bottled up!
Ketchup is going to end up with some grill lines.

On Tuesday, I found Wisp in my Zelda obstacle course! Well specifically, he was on the divider that I use to follow the action. He always seems to pick awkward places to hang out.

Wisp hangs out between two moons on my obstacle course.

Once I found and returned his spirits, Wisp rewarded me with a desktop mic.

Today, Jolly Redd was in town. He had a color variation of a retro ice-cream case that I needed in my catalog, so I bought it. I just wish I could sample the ice cream…

Redd: The charm and elegance of the very finest oolong tea, wrapped up into a retro ice-cream case...

Bones kept going on and on about how “perfect” my vertical banner was. Could it be because it has bones on it? Maybe he wants to dig a hole and bury them. 😛

Bones: I have got nothing to say about the vertical banner. It's...it's perfect.

He tried to explain himself, saying he wasn’t being silly. He was just being…calm?

Bones: I'm not being silly. I'm just...real calm right now, at the Depot. Real calm.

Nah, you’re just being weird. But that’s okay, Bones. Weird can be good.

Just a few other quick notes about the past several days:

  • Static was sick on Monday, so I gave him some medicine. In return, he gave me a printed-sleeve sweater.
  • I helped Gullivarrr out, and he sent me a pirate barrel on Tuesday.
  • On Tuesday, I found two rare mushrooms, both in the same part of town (highest cliff level in the northwest).
  • Yesterday, I sold 11 bugs (mostly wasps) to Flick for 55,500 bells.

If Buildings Could Talk

When I came out of Resident Services last night, I saw a speech bubble saying “What to do, what to do?” It looked as if the Resident Services building itself was asking that!

Resident Services building, apparently: What to do, what to do?

But it turned out to just be Midge, who was standing behind the building. She had been wondering if I wanted a whiteboard. It was free, so I accepted the gift.

Midge: Is it true that you've been looking for a whiteboard?

But really though, what would the Resident Services building say, if it could talk? Here are a few possibilities:

  • “Life was simpler when I was just a tent.”
  • “How can I get Tom Nook out of me?”
  • “Nobody realizes how much Isabelle snores at night!”

Let me know what you think the building would say in a comment below! 🙂

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a theatrical outfit. She gave me a morning coat to use as an example, but I went with my usual: I dressed up as a pirate. Label loved the outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle cap.

Label: ...A Labelle cap, you see. It's from my brand. I'd love for you to have it.

Agent S also acknowledged my pirate outfit, and she wondered if I would be speaking like a pirate too.

Agent S: Nice pirate getup! So, are you talking like a pirate as well as dressing like one? That's totes a thing, you know.
Arrr, of course I be!

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town for his Saturday night show. I asked him for a random song, and he bared his soul…by performing K.K. Soul. Ketchup, Agent S, and Ankha were also at the show.

K.K. Slider performs for Ketchup, Jeff, Ankha, and Agent S.

Up at the campsite, Henry the frog was camping. He seems nice, but I wasn’t interested in asking him to move in. Especially since he didn’t offer me part of his sandwich. 😉

Henry: See you around!

See you next time!