On Sunday, Kitt the kangaroo was camping at the campsite. She was a villager I had in my GameCube town in the early days, so we go way back. But I wasn’t interested in having her here.

On Tuesday, I made a new town tune for the first time in a long time. It’s the banana fairy theme from Donkey Kong 64.

If you’d like to hear how it sounds in-game, try this:
Snow now covers the island, and I rolled up my first snowboy of the season on Tuesday.

He sent me a frozen-treat set in the mail.
Yesterday, I had another camper: Chabwick the penguin. Even though he certainly would fit in the snow outside now, I did not invite him to town.

I ran into Pascal while diving, and he was talking about a tail wagging a dog. It must be a strong tail.

Today, Louie told me he was going to go to my house for a surprise visit. But I don’t like surprises, so I cancelled his plans for him.

Here are a few other quick notes about the past week:
- Last Friday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate beard in the mail.
- I sold over 575k worth of fish to C.J. the same day.
- On Sunday, my savings balance reached 74 million bells.
- I helped Gulliver on Tuesday, and he sent me a Dala horse.
- Yesterday, I sold over 180k worth of bugs to Flick.
See you next time!