Last Friday, Bones pinged me and gave me a free festive wreath. I decided to put it on my front door.

I saw a reindeer outfit for sale at Able Sisters earlier this week, and I couldn’t resist buying it and putting it on.
Tuesday, I saw a tarantula run from Ankha’s feet to Ketchup! I got my net out and tried to catch it, but I accidentally hit Ketchup in the head! Oops!

But to my surprise, the tarantula did not charge at me! I retreated a bit, and it actually let me! I was shocked! But I regained my composure and then caught the critter.
Last night, Wisp was out floating around the island. I recovered his spirits for him, and he gave me a light-bulb sign for helping out. What a great idea.
This morning, Gullivarrr was in town. So I helped him out by diving to retrieve his communicator. But when I gave it back to him, he was standing on the sand, and I was standing on the grass. So he looked much shorter than me. I guess my antlers made me look extra tall, too.

Bones wanted to play a treasure hunt game, and I was up for the challenge. He only gave me three minutes to find it, and he said it might be hard to find it in time. Except that the buried treasure was right next to the Resident Services plaza, and I found it instantly.

He gave me a gown coat for winning the game. I tried it on, but I decided to stay in my reindeer outfit. Oh, deer.
Just a little holiday update. I may be posting a new video this weekend, but I’m not sure if I’ll be playing the Toy Day event on Sunday night. (I will be playing in City Folk and New Leaf though, probably.) But there likely won’t be another ACNH blog entry until sometime next week. So I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays in the meantime!