Sunday was Christmas Eve (aka Toy Day), and I helped out Jingle by crafting some festive wrapping paper. In return, he gave me some Toy Day stockings. I then started delivering Santa’s gifts to all of my villagers.

Bones had an amusing comment about Jingle; he said that Jingle was like a mug of hot cocoa that talks!

Once I was done with all of the deliveries, Jingle rewarded me with a Toy Day sleigh.

At that point, I hung up my stockings in my house and wrapped up my game for the night. I did not give my own gifts to my villagers this year, but they seemed happy just to get the presents from Santa.
On Monday (Christmas Day), I checked my stockings and found Jingle’s photo inside. Thanks, Santa (and Jingle)!

Wisp was in town yesterday, and he gave me some Casablanca lillies in exchange for his soul.
I tried out my bathtub with yuzu (which was a seasonal item I recently ordered from the catalog). I wanted to see if I could glitch into it, and indeed, I could.

But speaking of seasonal items, I ordered a zodiac dragon figure (or two) today. It looks cute!

And to get ready for the new year, I finally finished cleaning up my Halloween jack-o’-lantern area. I spelled out “2024” using paths, so this will also show up on the map. Just a few more days to go!

In the next few days, I’ll be posting my video taking a look back at my 2023 in Animal Crossing. Stay tuned for that, and have a great New Year’s Eve!