On Monday, Static asked me to deliver a gift to Rio. It was a kung-fu tee, which Rio didn’t think was much of a “pop-star” look. Still, she tried it on and asked my opinion. But there was one small problem…

I couldn’t see it! And since I was mid-conversation, I couldn’t rotate the camera. I told her it looked great though, just in case it did.
Rio gave me a hanten jacket to thank me.
Yesterday, Annalisa the anteater was camping at the campsite. She seemed nice, but I wasn’t interested in having her move in.

She would’ve loved the steady stream of ants at my rotten turnip, though. (I keep it just outside my house most of the time. The ants help with the Nook Miles+ goals for catching bugs.)
Today, I ran into Bob on the beach, and I couldn’t help but wonder what on Earth he was wearing!

It was an aquamarine diner apron with a green Buddy the Elf hat. It’s just a weird combination. And even though they’re both green, they’re completely different shades that don’t match at all.
C.J. was in town today, and I caught three big-time fish in a row to complete his seasports challenge. I then grabbed ten fish from storage and sold them to him for 95k.

Here are a few other quick notes about the past week:
- Last Friday, Wisp gave me some frilly socks.
- Last Saturday, K.K. performed K.K. Waltz for me.
- I bought a bunch of turnips Sunday, and I sold them for a small profit on Tuesday.
- On Monday, I sold 29 bugs to Flick for 127,500 bells.
- On Wednesday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate eye patch.
- My savings balance reached 78 million bells Wednesday.