I Surprised Myself

Yesterday, I ran into Resetti in the Roost. He was a pleasure, as always. 🙄

Resetti, in the Roost: You again! You followin' me? You sellin' somethin'?
Nice to see you too.

Since I had a rare vacancy in town, I stopped into Resident Services and redeemed some Nook Miles for some Nook Miles Tickets. But unlike last time, I wasn’t loading up with ten of them. This time, I decided to use no more than five NMTs. And if I didn’t find anyone good, then so be it. I’d risk a random villager.

When I was ready, I headed to the airport and flew to the first mystery island. Sylvia the kangaroo was there.

Sylvia, on a mystery island: Yo! How's it going? Have we met? I'm Sylvia.

I don’t particularly care for her, so it was easy to pass on my first option. So I quickly bounced.

The 2nd mystery island had my old buddy Teddy!

Teddy, on a mystery island: Are you here for survival training too? My name's Teddy. What's yours?

I’ve been a fan of him since the early GameCube days, when he lived in my town for a while before hopping a train to another town. But did I want him in New Horizons? I wasn’t sure, so I thought about it as I banged the multitude of money rocks on the island.

Banging some money rocks on a mystery island.

As tempting as it was, I ultimately decided to pass on Teddy this time. But maybe in the future! I headed off to my 3rd mystery island, and I found Merengue the “strawberry shortcake” rhino. 🍰

Merengue, on a mystery island: I wasn't expecting to meet anyone on this tour! I'm Merengue.

Her horn appears to be an upside-down strawberry, and maybe it was making me hungry. I almost surprised myself when I decided to adopt her. She’s not a villager I normally would’ve thought about taking, but for some reason, it just seemed right. For a long time, Forest had a pink villager in Midge, Marina, and then Midge again. So I guess Merengue fills that role, haha. Or like I said, maybe I was just feeling hungry at the time. 😉 She is strangely appetizing. I mean, appealing. 😉

Today, she officially moved into town. Welcome to Forest, Merengue! 🙂

Merengue: Did you come by to check in on me? You're so sweet, Jeff.
Actually you’re the sweet one. 😋

Are you surprised I took Merengue? Let me know in the comments below!

Anyway, Flick was in town today, and I sold him 27 bugs for a total of 99,450 bells. 💰

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time! 🙂

7 thoughts on “I Surprised Myself”

  1. I noticed I found a lost item in Peach Park while I was dreaming to meet June. Can you update your Dream, please? (We can also meet Merengue.)

    1. Yeah, I don’t always pass through Peach Park on my daily walk. But yes, I just updated the dream, so you can meet Merengue if you’d like! 🙂

  2. Another villager that is good enough to eat. Would go better with Tia and Apple more than Ketchup. MMM
Ketchup Cake.

    1. Yes, that’s true
I’ve had several food-related villagers already! But I think I’ll pass on the ketchup cake. 😆

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