On Saturday, I started up the game shortly after 6 p.m.; Ankha just casually mentioned that the Bug-Off was a lot of commotion. I was thinking…”what Bug-Off?” Oops… I guessed I missed it this time.
Later on, I headed over to Alex’s town Pawnee. Jac and Matthew were also there, and I joined everyone in Alex’s house. I was an ogre.
Jesse also came over, and we hung out in Alex’s kitchen for a while. I was playing with the nutcracker and wondering where he kept getting infinite nuts, while Alex whipped up some pancakes. (I was a frog at this point.)
Logan also came over, and we hung out in Alex’s yard for a bit. After an ocean sunfish gave birth to my head, Alex told us that Jacques was celebrating a birthday. So we headed over to his house, and I gave the birthday boy my silly glasses.
Back outside, I ran into Marina…who was surprised to see me there in Pawnee!
For a moment, I thought it was my former villager Marina! But Alex told me that she came from Logan’s town (Moonscar), so that’s why she recognized me.
We tried to watch a movie at Alex’s outdoor theater, but somebody was blocking the screen. It was Logan pretending to be Alex.
Before Alex ended the party, we gathered for a group photo. (Jac had to leave early, so he wasn’t still around at this point.)
Thanks for the invite, Alex! I had a good time!
Last night, K.K. Slider was in town on a Sunday (due to the Bug-Off on Saturday). He performed “Steep Hill” for me.
Tonight, I gave June a shell lamp that was customized to be pink. She thanked me for it, and gave me a barista uniform in return. I need to start giving her gifts on a regular basis, because she’s been in town for three months and I don’t have her photo yet.
Believe it or not, I’m finally planning on having my first Friday Night Forest of the year this Friday (June 28th). Okay, technically, I did have a FNF in New Leaf this year, but this will be my first one in New Horizons for 2024. Anyone on my roster is welcome, and this will probably be the last time I’ll be hosting Zelda obstacle course races.
Update: The next Wi-Fi Moments video is here!