First FNF of 2024

Last Tuesday, Gala the pig was camping at the campsite. She’s cute, and she is one of my favorite pigs in the series. But I did not ask her to move in at this time.

Gala, at the campsite: I'm Gala, by the way.

On Friday, I let Merengue visit my house for the first time. In my bedroom, she said it felt like we were on an exotic vacation, because of my rattan waste bin. Um…okay. If you say so.

Merengue: I feel like we're on some exotic vacation, just looking at your rattan waste bin.

I shot down a balloon present, and it contained some 3D glasses. That inspired me to dress up like Zeke from Zombies Ate My Neighbors, so I added a skull shirt and dyed my hair too.

At 10:00 p.m., I opened up my gate for Friday Night Forest (my first of 2024). Bran and Sacky were the first to arrive. I raced Bran on my Zelda obstacle course (since Sacky didn’t want to race), and then we went to see Merengue.

Alex also came over, and we all hung out on the new structure I built. I literally built it ten minutes before opening my gate, and it isn’t necessarily going to be here forever.

Bran, Alex, Jeff, and Sacky hanging out on my new structure.

We talked about the arrival of summer, and the (eventual) release of Switch 2.

After a little while, Alex raced Bran on the Zelda obstacle course, and also my other mini-obstacle course. (Alex won on the Zelda course, and Bran won on the other one.) Alex then raced Sacky (Alex won by a narrow margin), and I raced Bran (I won).

After briefly seeing my fountain erupt at 11 p.m., we went over to Peach Park.

Hanging out at Peach Park.

Sacky then disconnected, then Sam came over, and then Sacky returned.

We searched for Bob and chatted with him. Sam saw the Zelda obstacle course and he wanted to race on it too. So I raced Sam, and I defeated him easily. Sam wanted another chance, so we raced again. Sam got out to a pretty big lead, and you can see it in this screenshot:

Sam's lead in the obstacle course.

He was already across the pond. But at that point, I kicked it into turbo and actually won the race at the end. 😆 Yes, it helps that I know the course better and I know the optimal way to get through certain obstacles, but still, I was pumped to win after being so far behind. 😁

Sam then raced Alex, and Alex won. Sam was getting really frustrated that he couldn’t win a game. So I raced him again, and I messed up a couple times. Sam got out to a lead again, but I still caught up and won again. 😆 Sam wanted to go again, and this time he raced Bran. Sam finally won a match, and he stopped to flex and pose on the final podium for a while. 😆

Sam flexing in victory (after four consecutive losses).

We then went to my house for a bite. I mean, a bit.

Jeff: Sunfish ate my neighbors.

I mentioned that my “Zombies” outfit would be more complete if I had a squirt gun. That would be such a fun addition to a future Animal Crossing game, although I can’t imagine them ever doing that. We didn’t even get the toy hammers back from New Leaf. 🙁

We then had a spontaneous session of Marios watching TV. I don’t know why, it just kinda happened. 🤷

Marios watching TV in my house.

I noticed it was almost midnight, so we went out to my fountains for a group photo.

A group photo near my fountains.

We took more photos on my new structure, this time with some ocean sunfish.

Three sunfish and a cheering Bran.

And we got our umbrellas out, too.

Bran posing over three umbrellas.

After that, we got some coffee and I ended the session around 12:30.

Today, Hippeux was camping at the campsite (for the 2nd time). I was definitely not interested in him; he seems even uglier in HD than he was in New Leaf. 😛

Hippeux, at the campsite: You're a movie star! That's how it works in the movies, anyway.

Here are a few other quick notes about the past week:

  • Wisp gave me a green painted-wood wall last Tuesday, and a busing station yesterday.
  • On Thursday, I caught a dorado, but I was forced to release it. I was standing on a bridge, so I couldn’t drop anything instead. Oof.
  • On Friday, I sold 10 bugs to Flick for 41,250 bells.
  • I returned a lost book to Rio, and she rewarded me with a tricycle.

See you all next time!

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