Last Friday, I met Curt the bear, who was camping at the campsite.

I don’t particularly care for him (and I had him in City Folk last year), so there was no risk of me asking him to move in. He can curt-sy right on out of town for all I care.
Gullivarrr was over on the beach, so I went diving to retrieve his phone parts. In return, he sent me a sea captain’s coat the next day.
The fishing tournament was held last weekend. I played just one round, catching six fish and scoring eight points.

Afterwards, I redeemed 10 points for a fishing-rod stand.
On Tuesday, June complimented me on my skull shirt. She said she was going to turn into my biggest fan if I…”don’t stop that sort of thing?” I know what she was trying to say, but it kinda sounded awkward the way she worded it.

Yesterday, I played a treasure hunt game with June. I found the buried treasure fairly quickly, and I won some octagonal glasses.

Today, I saw a rainbow in Forest for the first time!

Well, to be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure it was a rainbow. The colors are so faint that it just looked like a circular cloud. But Merengue confirmed that it was indeed a rainbow.

I must say that I’m pretty disappointed in the lack of color! Compare it to the rainbows on GameCube or in New Leaf, which had bright, vivid colors. But at least I finally got to see one in this game.
I found June in Nook’s Cranny, trying to decide if she wanted to buy a retro fan. Her catchphrase fit in quite well with her reasoning.

Tonight, I attended K.K. Slider’s concert, and he performed Lucky K.K. for me.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time!