Final Fireworks of ’24

Last Saturday, Pascal popped up out of the ocean to tell me that three gallons of ice cream is too much. I have my doubts about that, but I’ll let it slide this time. 😉

Pascal: Folks say you can't have too much of a good thing, but after three gallons of ice cream, it stops feeling true.

On Sunday, I headed over to Sam’s town for his fireworks party. Jac and Seolfina were also there. Sam, Jac, and I were showing off our ocean sunfish, and Seolfina said she didn’t have one. But moments later, she was fishing out something with a fin, and I predicted it would be an ocean sunfish. It was!

Seolfina catches an ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for Nintendo Switch.

After showing off our sunfish and twirling our umbrellas, we played a little (outdoor) hide and seek. Seolfina was “it,” and she found Sam first. But then Sam ran into me, and tried to give away my location! He wasn’t even the seeker! I got a little aggravated. 😡😆

Using the "aggravation" reaction on Sam.
Snitches get…Switches?

After that, we went to the Roost for some coffee. Sam was too good to sit with the rest of us. 😛 But after we drank, I noticed that Brewster took Sam’s saucer away…but left the mug!

Brewster takes the saucer, but leaves the mug behind.

Of course, it disappeared shortly after that, but it was nice to witness a little lag or glitchiness. (Yes, I’m amused by things like that.) 😆

And here’s a picture of Sam, presented without context. 😛

Sam, engulfed in an ocean sunfish: I feel bad.

Moments later, Matthew came over to join in the fun. We posed for some photos with the fireworks in the background. 🎆

A group photo during the fireworks festival at Sam's town Seattle.

Sam ended the session shortly after that. Thanks for the fun, everyone!

On Monday, K.K. performed “K.K. House” for me, Louie, Ketchup, Static, and Rio.

Yesterday, the game’s title screen revealed Louie walking near a dead body! Did Louie kill some poor sailor? He sure fled the scene like he was guilty! 😉

Louie walks away from Gulliver's dead body on the title screen.

Today, Gulliver sent me another candy-skull mask…so I guess he’s not dead after all. Unless the letter was really from Louie, and the skull was Gullilver’s… 💀

Bruce the blue deer was camping at the campground. He seems pretty cool, and I wouldn’t mind having him at some point. But I’m not willing to kick anyone out for him right now.

Bruce: Heya! I'm just here to do some campin' for a spell. This sure is a nice island.

I found a couple of cool Switch items on Amazon: This joycon charging dock has four light bars that light up to indicate the charging status of each joycon, and these colorful joycon grips look really cool too. (As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission from qualifying U.S. purchases.)

Yesterday, I posted a new Forest Quick Comparisons video, comparing my towns in each game. Many categories have been updated (it has been two years since the last one, after all), and I’ve added several new categories too. I hope you’ll check it out!

I’ll see you all next time. Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

A Little Alliteration

On Monday, Pascal popped up to provide some profound prose pertaining to ant hills. 🐜

Pascal: Ant hills are just cities...but for ants!

After that pearl of wisdom, he also placed a physical pearl in my pocket.

Afterwards, I found Flick in Forest, fawning over butterflies. Fortunately, I’ve amassed an ample amount…no, an invaluable inventory, of insects. Flick fondly paid a full fortune for my 21 flying friends.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 180,750 bells for the bunch of them?
That’s a bounty of bells for the big bunch of bugs.

On Wednesday, pounding a rock produced this particularly pleasing pattern.

A pleasing rock pattern produced from pounding a rock.
It’s so satisfyingly symmetrical!

Yesterday, I found the furry bear Charlise at the campsite for the fourth time! Please flee Forest forever!

Charlise: Hey, do you live out here? You do! What's up, temporary-neighbor!

After I procured a pirate’s phone parts, Gullivarrr promptly put a package in the post. I got the gift today, a pirate treasure robe. I’m pleased with the present.

Trying on the pirate-treasure robe from Gullivarrr.

Today, the lovely Label longed to see me in an outdoorsy outfit. She doled out a denim jacket, which I donned on the double. I also added a baseball cap and neon shades as accessories. Label loved the look!

Label: I am sooo impressed.

She humbly handed me a handcrafted a Labelle knit shirt (a custom creation) today, but she’ll also ship out some tailors tickets tomorrow. Thanks!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! I’ll be back blogging again before you know it. Bye! 😉

Pizza on a Cake?

Last Sunday, I again attended the fireworks festival. This time, Isabelle gave me a bulb bopper. I put it on, sat down, and enjoyed the fireworks for a while. 🙂

Enjoying the fireworks in Forest with Isabelle, Ketchup, June, Bones, Ankha, and Redd.

Ketchup was so sick on Monday that her skin was as red as a tomato! I gave her some medicine, and she started to feel better right away. She rewarded me with some bunny ears.

Ketchup: Thanks for bringing me medicine... It's kind of like a healing potion from a video game!
Don’t be silly, Ketchup. Video games aren’t real like you and me!

On Wednesday, Merengue was asking me about my favorite food. She was asking if it was still pizza, but she phrased it rather awkwardly. 😛

Merengue: When you think foods, are you really thinking about pizza, on a cake?
No, not on a cake. 🍕

Today, I did something I haven’t done in almost two years: I went to work at Paradise Planning (in the Happy Home Paradise DLC). I saw that Cephalobot was outside, so I asked him about building him a vacation home. Of course, he was interested, and his ideal theme was “My Other Home,” which didn’t tell me much. But his must-have items were all gears and mechanical items.

My Other Home: Cephalobot

I picked him out a deserted rocky island in the southwest corner of the map. I gave him a couple of large tanks, a science pod, a flying saucer, and a few tin robots to keep him company. (The game was also recommending space items, so maybe he’s an alien robotic octopus?)

The outside of Cephalobot's vacation home for Happy Home Paradise, featuring tanks and a science pod.

Indoors, I started out with his required items, but I also added a strategic meeting table, a cold sleep pod, an amazing machine, a couple of crew member’s seats, some gears, and an upright speaker. For the floor and walls, I used some circuit-board flooring and a sci-fi wall. I set the gears in motion and took a photo.

Cephalobot's mechanical/sci-fi vacation home for HHP.

He enjoyed the house, and Lottie paid me 20,000 Poki for my work. I immediately headed over to the hospital, where I donated the full 20k towards their expansion. Unfortunately, they still need 49,000 Poki…so the expansion still won’t be done anytime soon. 😛

Here are a few other quick notes from this week:

  • I gathered up Wisp’s spirits on Sunday, and he gave me a shopping cart in return.
  • On Tuesday, I helped out Gulliver. He sent me another samurai wig.
  • Static was sick on Thursday. I gave him some medicine, and he handed me a happi tee.
  • The same day, I returned a lost book to Agent S. She rewarded me with a baseball uniform.
  • Tonight, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Country for me and Louie.

I’ll see you all next time!