Ugly Campers

Last Saturday, I found one of my mortal koala enemies (not Yuka, though) at the campsite. It was Eugene, and he was not welcome in my town! This wasn’t even his first time camping here, so I may need to take some extreme measure to dispose of him…or his body. 😛

Eugene, at the campsite: You know, there's nothing like Forest in summer...

Bones was celebrating his birthday on Sunday, and I made sure to attend his party. (Well, one of his parties. I didn’t play in Wild World on Sunday.) I gave him some hanging stage lights for his gift, and he seemed to enjoy it.

Bones, at his birthday party: Boss, I gotta tell ya, thanks so much for the present! Today's been just the best, ya know?

Our buddy Bob was also at the party, and he was having a great time too!

Bob, at Bones's birthday party: A huh huh huh, I sure do love birthday parties.
No offense to Bob, but “a huh huh huh” needs to be banned as dialogue in future Animal Crossing games. 😛

Sunday was also the day of the first fireworks festival of the year. At the plaza, Isabelle gave me a flower bopper.

Isabelle: You'll shine as bright as the fireworks in the sky while wearing your flower bopper.

Agent S then gave me a sparkler, so I set it off while I enjoyed the fireworks for a few moments.

I set off a sparkler during the fireworks festival in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Thursday, Pascal popped up to ask me for a scallop I caught. He said that stars and planets are floating in space, but he wondered what space is floating in. Good question.

Pascal: Sure, the stars and planets are floating in space, but what's SPACE floating in?

Today, I had another unwanted camper. It was Katt the cat, who was camping here for the third time! Why do these ugly villagers not get the message and keep haunting me? 😛

Katt, at the campsite: Oh! Uh...know anyone who'd be interested?

After I put some money into the bank, my savings account balance reached 95 million bells…with 52 bells to spare. 😛 I’m getting close to 100k!

Savings Balance: 95,000,000 bells.

Here are a few other quick notes about the past week:

  • Last Saturday, K.K. Slider performed “Spring Blossoms” for me, Agent S, Static, Ankha, and Merengue.
  • On Monday, I sold 29 fish to C.J. for 424,125 bells.
  • I helped out Gullivarrr on Wednesday, and he sent me a pirate-ship helm.
  • I sold 23 bugs to Flick on Thursday, and he paid me exactly 177,000 bells.

Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you next time!