Final Bug-Off of 2024

Sunday was Ankha’s birthday, so I crafted a Scorpio lamp for her. She was really excited to receive it; she seemed to know it was a valuable gift.

Ankha, at her birthday party: Are you serious? You're GIVING me a Scorpio lamp?

I know she’s not a Scorpio, but it was gold…and it was something I hadn’t crafted before, so I wanted to check it off my list. 😆 Anyway, Static was also at the party.

Static: The whole gang's here to celebrate Ankha on her big day!
You and me? That’s the whole gang?

Over by Resident Services, Bob, Ketchup, and Merengue were enjoying a barbecue! It looked good!

Merengue: What a great spot to set up a barbecue...

On Wednesday, Samson the mouse was camping at the campsite. He was talking like he wanted to wrestle! 😆

Samson, at the campsite: I just got here today, and I gotta say this island's really nice! Feels perfect for wrestling, pipsqueak.
If Rizzo was still here, you could wrestle him all you wanted. But he got exterminated three years ago.

Today, Flick hosted the final Bug-Off of the year. In the span of three minutes, I caught 11 bugs and scored 13 points. Not bad, I guess. But I decided to give it another try, and my second attempt went even better. Here is a video if you’d like to see the full round:

I scored a personal-best 19 points! My previous best was just 16, from back in August 2021. But admittedly, I haven’t played a lot of Bug-Off rounds, especially in the past couple years.

Flick: Well done. You earned 19 points!

After selling my bugs, I redeemed my points for some prizes. I got a ladybug rug, a spider doorplate, a toy cockroach, and a bug aloha shirt. I put the doorplate on my house door (perfect for Halloween season), and I decided to wear the shirt. As for the other two items, I just sold them. I didn’t really have a need for a cockroach right now. (And I already have one of the rugs in storage.)

Later, I saw Static and Ketchup chasing the same butterfly!

Static and Ketchup go after the same butterfly.

Ketchup swung her net, and missed, of course. So then I was afraid Static was going to hit Ketchup! He did…sort of. But his net kinda went through Ketchup instead of hitting her, so it wasn’t as violent (or funny) as I hoped. 😛 But I’ll be sure to include that clip in a future video.

Due to the Bug-Off, K.K. Slider was not in town tonight. But here are a few other quick notes about this week:

  • Wisp gave me a shoji screen on Sunday.
  • On Tuesday, I played a treasure hunt game with Static. I dug up a wide-brim straw hat.
  • Gulliver sent me an elder mask on Wednesday.
  • On Thursday, I sold 23 bugs to Flick for 160k bells.

I’ll see you next time!