Island Life 101

On Monday, June was sitting near my fountain structure (near the shop) as Bob was walking by…on his way to work at the diner, apparently. 😆 Either that, or I just liked this screen grab. 😛

June looks back up at me, while Bob walks by.

Wednesday was the Lunar New Year, and each of my villagers mentioned it. But there was no proper in-game event for the occasion.

Rio: Haaaaaappyyyy Lunar New Year! I, you know, LOVE holidays. So I'm ALL about this New Year's sequel!
Rio is sitting on the ground here; she’s not as short as she looks.

Buzz the eagle was camping at the campsite; I currently have him in my GameCube town. He’s pretty cool, but I did not ask him to move in.

Buzz, at the campsite: Howdy! I'm just stakin' a claim for a bit, enjoyin' the campin' life. Be seein' you around, captain!
He must be allergic to the letter G.

On Thursday, Pascal popped up when I found a scallop in the ocean. He spoke out against the rules of grammar, and his last sentence made my brain hiccup and then melt.

Pascal: Grammar is just word jail, maaan. Words gotta be free. Rules that who wasn't this need, like?

I’d rather listen to Yoda rapping in Pig Latin than try to wrap my head around whatever Pascal just said. 😡

Today, I decided to use a feature that was introduced in Version 2.0 that I hadn’t tried out yet! It’s the “Island Life 101” app. I redeemed 400 Nook Miles and the app was immediately installed on my NookPhone.

The Island Life 101 app installed on my NookPhone.
I installed Island Life 101! Now I'll get lots of helpful advice and info on living here through my NookPhone.

But even though it installs right away, you only get tips when you start up the game. So I saved and quit, and then restarted. The tips show up during loading screens, much like the tips in recent Zelda games (and others).

Isabelle: You can use a music box to listen to music-box arrangements of K.K.'s songs.

But as the name implies, these tips are designed for beginners. One tip mentions being able to crush rocks or dig up trees by eating fruit, and another one discusses changing the flag at Resident Services. This app would’ve been helpful it was available when the game first launched in 2020. By the time Version 2.0 came out in late 2021, most players already knew these things.

Tom Nook: Orders from Nook Shopping are limited to five items per person each day. When there are a lot of things you want, please make sure to plan accordingly! Yes, yes!

It’s nothing to write home about, and it was probably the least exciting part of the 2.0 update. But I guess I just wanted to cross it off my mental to-do list and get it over with. 😆 I’m curious, have you all downloaded the app or no? Let me know in the comments.

Anyway, here are a few other quick notes about this week:

  • On Wednesday, June was sick with a cold. I gave her some medicine, and she returned the favor by giving me a jester’s cap.
  • I helped out Gulliver, and he sent me my 10 millionth sombrero on Thursday.
  • Yesterday, I sold 35 bugs to Flick for 153,750 bells.
  • Tonight, K.K. performed “I Love You” for me, Rio, Agent S, and Louie.

I’ll see you next time! Never Stop Crossing!

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