Room Sketch App

On Sunday, I received my letter from Katrina with my newly purchased lucky item. Unfortunately, it was another gold turtle figurine, and not one of the other lucky items. I’ll have to hope for more bad luck in the future to get the other items. 😆

When I went out to Lottie’s island on Monday, Niko told me that Lottie wanted to see me for something. I had no idea what this was about, so I went into the office. She told me to pull out my phone, because she had a new app to send me!

Lottie: Can you pull out your phone so I can send an app to you?

It’s an app called “Room Sketch,” and it’s used to create room layouts. You can experiment with design ideas, and use them when you create a vacation home for a client.

Room sketches created in this app can also be used later when decorating a client's vacation home, making it a great tool for testing your designs!

Of course, designing rooms isn’t exactly my favorite thing. So I just made this masterpiece of a room and then saved and quit the app. 😛

A mostly empty room with just two froggy chairs in it.

On Tuesday, I listened in on a conversation between Bob and June. Bob asked June for a book recommendation…

Bob: Heeeey, June? Can you suggest me a book?

June’s reply was just savage. 😆

June: Oh! You read, Bob? That's rather surprising.

She recommended Be the “Y” in DIY and Gyroids 2.0. But then Bob asked which book had more pictures. June said neither, so Bob said he wanted to watch the movie versions instead of reading. I guess June was right about him after all. 😛

Bob: OK... Which one got turned into the bester movie? I can snack while I watch!

When I visited Ketchup, I saw that my other short peppy villager (Agent S, of course) was there too. Ketchup even acknowledged that Agent S was visiting… So when Ketchup said this, I was a bit confused…

Ketchup: That's why I like hanging out with my anchovy here...

I legitimately thought Ketchup was calling Agent S her “anchovy” as a pet name! But it turns out that she was talking about her actual anchovy, the fish. 😆

On Wednesday, I went diving and caught a scallop. Pascal popped up and started talking about ice cream.

Pascal: You gotta be careful what you wish for in life. Unless you wish for ice cream. That's pretty safe.

This is not his only quote about ice cream, either. He also had this one…as well as an octopus one that mentions ice cream cones. I think the dude likes ice cream. 🍦

Gulliver was in town, so I helped him out. The next day, he sent me another candy-skull mask.

Tonight, I found another scallop and got some more words of wisdom from Pascal. This time, he was talking about the expression “hold your horses.”

Pascal: When someone tells you to hold your horses, you tell them no. Maaan, they're way too heavy!
Whoa, you’re right.

Flick was buzzing around town tonight, so I sold him 14 bugs (mostly dung beetles and Rajah Brooke’s birdwings) for a total of 56,700 bells.

Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll be back with more next week!

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