Door Glitch, Meme Shirt

Gulliver made a visit to Forest Island today; I found him washed up on the shore. But it seems like he rarely visits any more! I wish he’d show up more often.

Gulliver: Honk-shoo, honk-shoo... Snoring sounds, et cetera...
Very convincing…

I collected his five communicator pieces for him, and he promised to send me a reward in the mail.

As I tried to enter Agent S’s house, I encountered a glitch: I was unable to go inside. I could not interact with the door at all. But I soon learned it wasn’t limited to Agent S’s house, it applied to the houses of Shari and Keaton too…any villager that was home.

As for villagers that weren’t home, everything worked normally: I got the “I’m not home” message if I tried to enter. I tried going into town hall and coming back out to see if that would solve the problem, but it didn’t. So I used “save and end” to go back to the title screen, and then started up again. That didn’t work either, and that’s when I started getting worried.

So I tried exiting out of the game completely…and fortunately, that worked. I was quite relieved!

I shot down a balloon present, and there was a meme shirt inside. I had to see what it looked like, so I tried it on…and I was not disappointed. It shows a cat shooting lasers out of its eyes.

Jeff tries on the meme shirt in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Even my villagers seemed to enjoy it! Tia said it was breezy and fun. 😛

Tia: Your meme shirt is breezy and fun!

I caught a flea that was on Apple, and she…denied that she had fleas. She didn’t even thank me!

Apple: because I've never had fleas, champ. Not even this time.

In other news, Hornsby taught me the shyness reaction. I now have 36 of the 44 reactions, so there’s just a few more to go!

9 thoughts on “Door Glitch, Meme Shirt”

  1. Hi Jeff, I noticed like me you’re using the dirt path, I recently found some designs that take inspiration from the path making mechanics of the older games, they are much more detailed and make everything look sightly more natural. Here’s the creator code incase you are interested! :MA-6647-9230-4716

    1. Thanks. Those are very nice, but I think I’ll just stick with the default dirt for now. I like that I can still bury pitfalls in the dirt paths, and new flowers can sprout there. That won’t happen with patterns.

  2. I’ve had Gulliver once on my island!
    This happens because there are 5 special villagers who always come, Leif, Saharah, Kicks, K.K., and Daisy Mae. That leaves Label, Flick, C.J., Gulliver, and Redd to fill up the other two spots. So there’s a cycle for each week to fill up the two spots.

      1. I only do Leif on occasions where I need shrubs and sometimes I just skip Label. Kicks isn’t needed because my friend did this catalog event where they had all orderable bags laid out and u picked it up and dropped it. Also I got the nook shopping app on my phone today!

    1. I haven’t played the main Pokemon series, but I have played Pokemon Snap on N64. It was alright, but not one of my favorites.

  3. I had Gulliver today too, what a coincidence. For me I wish CJ would show up more often, he’s only ever visited my island once, not counting the fishing tourney.

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