Ancient Statue

Jolly Redd sent me the ancient statue in the mail today, and I rushed it over to the museum. Blathers confirmed what I thought: It was real. He put it on display, and I went to check it out.

Ancient Statue. August 5th, 2020. Donated by Jeff.

While I was there, I saw Midge admiring the dynamic painting, so I waved hello.

Midge admires the dynamic painting in ACNH.

I ran into Rizzo near the fountain, and he gave me an some old round shades.

Rizzo: Y'see, I already had an old round shades...

But I also had a gift for him! I gave him a skull doorplate for him to put on his door. It’s not for Halloween, I just want the skull to serve as a warning to anyone entering his house. Or I could pretend it’s the symbol for poison…rat poison, to be specific.

At Able Sisters, I ran into Apple. She said she was studying fashion…or at least that’s what she’s claiming to be doing. For tax purposes. I think she must have attended the Yoshi School of Tax Evasion.

Apple: I'm studying fashion right now! At least, that's what I'm saying I'm doing. For tax purposes.

Saharah was in town today, and I cleaned her out for a change. I bought all three of her rugs, used the tickets for a mysterious wallpaper, and bought the mysterious flooring. The flooring and wallpaper were the imperial tile (which I put in my bedroom) and the sea view wall (which I put in storage).

My bedroom in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
My bedroom.

I found a scallop (and Pascal) pretty quickly tonight, but the otter just gave me a pearl.

I did some dreaming last night, and I might do some more either late tonight or tomorrow. I’ve decided not to include that in the blog, though. Look for a new dreaming video by the weekend. At that time, I’ll also have a new page where you can submit and share your dream addresses. So stay tuned for that. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Ancient Statue”

  1. So here’s my question Jeff. Are you gonna start a new dream series of videos on Youtube? Will it act as your WiFi Moments? If so then I would watch it! Also thanks for the kind words about Moonscar!

    1. Yes, a new dream series. I wouldn’t say it will act as Wi-Fi Moments though; it will be separate. Imagine my Dream Suite Adventures but in video form. I’ll show off my favorite parts of each town, and also throw in some of my own jokes and puns. 😛

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