Wheels, Holes, and Eggshells

This afternoon, I headed over to Tom41’s town to see a bit of the fireworks festival there. We had fun burning ourselves and each other.

Tom and his friend Kaite burn themselves with fireworks.

I spoke to Isabelle, and she gave me a heart bopper.

I heard that the colorful wheels, which previously showed different numbers to each player, have now been fixed. And we confirmed it. We all saw the same results after spinning them.

Kaite: 5-1.
Tom41: 5-1.
Jeff: 51.

If you move too far away from it though, it will reset to 1. But as long as everyone stands nearby, it works the way it should.

After some drama with a missing tree and a fruit thief, we got disconnected.

Later on in my town, I bought an eggshell at Able Sisters to put on my head. It cracked me up. 😉

Jeff wears an eggshell in Able Sisters.

However, I soon replaced it after speaking with Isabelle at the fireworks festival. She gave me a flower bopper to wear on my head.

Hornsby was getting fired up for the fireworks. He said this was the most exciting thing to happen to him since he ate breakfast this morning. 😛 Don’t laugh, food is a big deal for Hornsby! 😉

Hornsby: Oh man. This is the most exciting thing to happen to me since that time I ate breakfast this morning!

I went diving for scallops, and I found one on my 4th dive. Pascal showed up to give me some words of wisdom about holes.

Pascal: Holes are like mountains made of nothing, maaan.

He also gave me another pearl. 🤦

I bought some of Redd’s raffle tickets to get some more fireworks, but I always end up getting so many balloons and pinwheels that I don’t want. And apparently, the game doesn’t even have Roman candles. 🙁 But on the bright side, I did use a fountain firework to set Rizzo on fire. 🙂

Jeff sets Rizzo on fire with a fountain firework in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Another thing I noticed about the fireworks festival is that it was still using the custom fireworks I submitted last week. I didn’t have to submit them again today. I hope you all enjoyed the 2nd fireworks festival of the year!

Today, I posted my new video, Dream Island Hopping #1! I hope you’ll check it out.

I also put up a new Dream Visits page. You can share your dream addresses in the comments, and check out the dreams of other commenters. Have fun and pleasant dreams! 🙂

By the way, I just got the Nintendo Switch Online app and I’m now able to see how people have visited my dream. The total is 2,990 visitors; thank you all for dreaming of Forest! Unfortunately, it doesn’t list the names of visitors or I’d mention the recent dreamers in the blog like I do in my New Leaf blog.

9 thoughts on “Wheels, Holes, and Eggshells”

  1. Like Bunnie, today I actually got pecan’s pic! She wanted a pear so I have her a perfect one. It really must have tasted good if pecan would give me her pic for it!

    1. I also even got pudge’s pic too! I have him a extra sapphire chair then poof! He gave me his pic. I didn’t even know I was that high on his friendship level!

  2. Woah! They actually fixed the wheel! That could make for some interesting minigames! I unfortunately missed this Sunday’s firework show, but there’s always next time 🙂

    Also, I can’t wait for all the puns in Dream Island Hopping!

  3. It’s funny literally like two days after you visited my dream town Flora moved out and Stitches took her spot! XD

    By the way how did you get the NSO app? Didn’t you say that your current phone doesn’t support it?

  4. I wish there were roman candles too. In fact, I wish Redd would actually held a raffle with items like in New Leaf. But the fireworks look amazing in this game, and I like that you can actually chat and get some nice dialogue with Isabelle while she’s outside. It makes a change for how stiff she feels in this game.

    I submitted my island to your page, but I was actually wondering if you’re going to make full-length videos (or entries) about particular, popular islands, kind of like what you did with New Leaf. I think I’ve mentioned it before that Aika village is back and it holds up really good. Two days ago I visited an island called Skull island. It wasn’t really horror or anything, just themed as a pirate ship/military base. The houses were pretty cool and I thought you’d like it too. I might share some suggestions every now and then if you happen to be willing to take those.

  5. I just realised something from the dream video. Marcel moved to outset and he wasn’t there anymore! Did you know that

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