Apple’s Photo

TZ sent me a letter today, along with a pretty tulip wreath. She said I should give it to one of my villagers. Thanks, TZ.

Dear Jeff, You should give this to one of your neighbors their doors need a sprucing up for a change :P -From T*Zelda

The August Bug-Off was held today, and I participated by competing in five rounds of bug-catching action. I scored 13, 5, 15, 8, and 6 points. After the last game, my net broke. Between that and back-to-back single-digit scores, I figured that was a good time to stop. πŸ˜› But at least that 15-point game was my personal best of all three Bug-Offs so far.

Flick: Well done. You earned 15 points!

Flick told me that my total points from all Bug-Offs surpassed 100 points, so he will be sending me a prize in the mail. Of my 48 (current) points, I redeemed them for an artisanal bug cage, a bug wand, a butterfly backpack, and a spider web.

During the Bug-Off, I caught my first robust cicada and my first walker cicada. I donated them both to the museum.

After the competition was over, I gave the pretty tulip wreath to Apple. She seemed to like it, and in return, she gave me her photo!!

Apple: Hey! I wanted to say thanks, but with, like, an object? It's Apple's photo! Enjoy!

I just got Lopez’s photo yesterday, so I was surprised to get another one today! I put it on the wall in my bedroom (with my other villager photos). The quote on the back of Apple’s photo says “One rotten apple spoils the barrel.”

The quote on Apple's pic: One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

Back outside, Hornsby said that since the Bug-Off was over, it’s time to let the bugs go home. Nice idea, I suppose…but Hornsby didn’t catch any bugs. And I already sold mine to Flick. πŸ˜›

Hornsby: Guess the Bug-Off is over, huh? It's time to let the bugs we caught go home.

On my 6th dive, I found a scallop, and Pascal found me. He gave me a pearl in exchange for the scallop, and he wondered aloud if otters should be called Bob.

Pascal: We call them rams because they ram into stuff, so shouldn't otters be called Bob?
You, sir, are no Bob.

I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow night. Hope to see you then!

8 thoughts on “Apple’s Photo”

  1. Hi Jeff, I was wondering if you have the lighthouse since the start of the game and if it’s that same color as the airport.

    P.S I don’t have the game yet.

    1. No, the lighthouse is an item you can get by redeeming Nook Miles. There are several colors of the lighthouse, but only one is available in your town. And your town’s default lighthouse color will not necessarily match your airport color. My lighthouse color is yellow, but my airport is green.

  2. I had no idea that the points stacked like that for the trophies. I grinded it all day the first bug off and only got a silver bug trophy. I was so confused on how you were supposed to get even more than I did but that makes so much sense lol

  3. You’re nearly catching up to me in photos! I have 6 so far. I somehow have more villager photos in this game even though you played animal crossing before I was born and I only started in 2016
    . But from 1 fan to another, heres a tutorial on how to get villager photos. 1. Craft an iron wall lamp with iron and clay 2. Wrap it up
    3. Give to villager of choice or multiple depending how many you craft. 4. Repeat until villager photo comes. Results may vary. My first iron wall lamps for Cube and Octavian got me a photo yet it took a while for Jay to give me his

    1. Well playing the previous games doesn’t exactly give me a head-start in New Horizons. πŸ˜› But yeah, giving gifts seems to be the best strategy from what I’ve heard…even though random luck plays a role too. I’ll keep giving them gifts and hope for the best. πŸ™‚

  4. I’m shocked on how easily your getting these photos! I haven’t gotten one! Also what was your saddest move out ever in any game?
    Till next time, Hedgy Signing Off.

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