Rizzo’s Birthday

K.K. Slider was in town last night, and I asked him for a random song. He played K.K. Samba for me, Tybalt, Rizzo, and Apple.

K.K. Slider performs for Tybalt, Jeff, Rizzo, and Apple.

Today, Apple sent me a letter saying it’s important to be adventurous when it comes to fashion. As an example of such a bold fashion statement, she sent me…a paper bag.

As I began my daily chores around town (digging up fossils, catching snowflakes, etc.), I ended up breaking three tools (shovel, net, and axe) all within about a five or six minute span. Agghhh! It’s bad enough when any tool breaks, but when they break one after another, it’s really frustrating!

Today is a special occasion in Forest: It’s Rizzo’s birthday! So I attended his party, and Tia was also there for some reason.

Rizzo celebrates his birthday in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Happy birthday, ya filthy animal!

For his present, I gave him the paper bag from Apple. 😂 Unfortunately, he did not put it over his head.

Rizzo: A paper bag. Nice of you to bother, kiddo.
I hope this is your last birthday…at least in Forest.

When I spoke with Tia, she said that me being there made her glad that she didn’t miss the party. Is that a subtle hint that she doesn’t like Rizzo either? 😉 I’m going to take it that way regardless. 😛

Tia: Having you here makes me glad I didn't miss this birthday party!

In the western part of town, I ran into Wisp for the first time in weeks. He quickly expelled his five spirits.

Wisp appears to explode.

I began my search, and it took me about eight minutes to find all of his spirits. When I returned them to Wisp, he rewarded me with a sweetheart tank and shirt.

I shot down a balloon present and learned a DIY recipe for some iceberg flooring. I’m a bit floored that the winter recipe sets include several sets of wallpapers and carpets.

I worked on my winter/frozen race course for about an hour, and I made good progress. I have most of the obstacles planned out, although I still need to do a bit of crafting, testing, and fine-tuning in the coming days. I’m not even going to estimate what day it will be done, but don’t expect it until later in the week.

See you next time!

7 thoughts on “Rizzo’s Birthday”

  1. When I noticed it was Rizzo’s birthday, I immediately thought of you. That’s a big jvgsjeff moment there.

  2. I’ve got my own rat problem. No sooner did I let someone leave than Chadder decided to snap up the available property! But I’ll only have to put up with him for three days- he replaced an Amiibo villager, so I’m inviting that person right back.

  3. Why do you hate rizzo? I havent had him in any of my towns but he seems like a nice person and i like his design. Im not judging you or saying that youre wrong im just asking why

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