Festive Dog

On Monday, Apple asked me for a new catchphrase. I wanted her to say “Viva Festivale,” but that wouldn’t fit. So I just told her to say viva.

Later that night, I found Celeste in town. She taught me a DIY recipe for a golden wand. I wish I could wave my wand and make all wands disappear. Just give me space items and zodiac furniture, please! 😛

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a golden wand!

Yesterday, Timmy and Tommy finally had the Festivale item I wanted most: the confetti machine!

Tommy: Seems like you're interested in Festivale confetti machine.
I placed it outside in front of Nook’s Cranny.

Tybalt and Rizzo were sitting on a temporary bench at the plaza. Tybalt said he asked Isabelle if we could get a training gym on the island, and she said no! Shouldn’t he be asking me, not her?

Tybalt: Like, for instance, I asked Isabelle if we could get a training gym. She said no.

Today, C.J. was in town with another seasports challenge: He wanted me to catch three small fry fish in a row. I caught two pond smelts and a crucian carp to complete the challenge.

With Festivale coming up on Monday, many villagers are already looking forward to the event. Bones boasted that he’s going to be the most festive Festivale dog anyone’s ever seen!

Bones: Just you wait. I'm gonna be the most festive Festivale dog anyone's ever seen, at the Depot!

I found a lost item on the ground, and it was a bag that smelled like a minty sports cream. I swear it seems like 90% of the lost items belong to jocks! I asked Tybalt about the bag, and he said it was his. He thanked me for returning it, and he gave me a guide shirt for helping out.

I grabbed some fish out of storage and took them over to C.J. I sold him two koi, two sturgeon, three red snappers, and four football fish for 70,500 bells.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 70,500 bells. Deal?

Just a heads-up for people on my friend roster: There will not be a Friday Night Forest this week. But I’ll be back with another blog entry soon.

6 thoughts on “Festive Dog”

  1. I met CJ for the first time the other day and although i couldnt achieve his challenge of three large fish i did catch loads of other ones but, when i tried to sell them to him the fish were greyed out i couldnt choose them?

    I’m really enjoying reading your blog BTW

    1. He won’t buy fish from you until you complete the challenge. So if he asks for large fish, try to ignore the small fish until you complete the challenge.

      Thanks, glad you enjoy it! 🙂

    1. My New Leaf dream address is 5D00-000F-7611. Enjoy your visit, and check out the fun handheld items I left near the plaza (ice cream, toy hammer, etc.).

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