Snooty Thought, FNF

Gullivarrr was in town today, so I went diving to find his communicator. I got it on my first try, and he will be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

Eloise surprised me by teaching me a new reaction today: She taught me “thought.” It’s nice that I can finally use my brain to think!

I learned the Thought Reaction! Hmm... Let's see here...

Even though I knew I still needed a couple of snooty reactions, I didn’t think I would learn one this soon. It’s only been a week since Eloise arrived in town. I still need to earn Eloise’s “love” though, and that one is likely to take a while. 😛 ❤️

I recently finished up my new “Welcome to Forest” sign that I mentioned the other day. I placed it so that visitors can see it during the flyover, before their plane lands. How do you like it?

Welcome to Forest! Now 100% rat-free!

About 10:02, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. I was quite surprised to see that nobody came…until six minutes later, when Bran arrived. A couple minutes later, Timo also joined in. We performed some music in my house and then the two of them raced each other on my Mario obstacle course. (Timo won.)

Timo sits on a celebratory fountain firework after winning the race.

I took them to meet Eloise, and we visited a couple other villagers as well. I then suggested a diving competition. After getting my timer out of storage, I set it for ten minutes and we began. I had 15 catches with 3:20 left on the timer when Alex from Pawnee came over. I finished with 18 catches, but Bran won the competition with 20. Congrats, Bran!

Time's up! Jeff: 18. Timo: 15. Alex: 0. Bran: 20.

Just before 11:00, Xavier came over. We hung out on Rainbow Road and chased the ghosts of Timo and Alex (who jumped off Rainbow Road), and I showed everyone my new museum location.

The museum entrance.

We visited Apollo and shined a light in his eyes. Soon after that, people began disappearing…at oddly regular intervals.

  • 11:30: Bran left for the night.
  • 11:40: Alex disconnected and didn’t return.
  • 11:50: Timo quietly left.

Xavier and I were the only ones left, and we watched the fountains squirt up at midnight, with town hall’s eerie silhouette in the background.

The fountains spray water high into the air.

A few minutes later, I ended the session. Thank you to everyone who came! It was fun! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Snooty Thought, FNF”

  1. I love the Forest sign! I would never think about making the O a pitfall seed, nice one 😂 also the ocean sunfish should be the mascot of Forest. 10/10!!

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