Happy Birthday, Bones!

Yesterday, my campsite was cursed with an appearance by Eugene, the ugly smug koala with a huge orange nose. There’s no way he’s moving to this island.

Eugene, at the campsite: Heya! Are you from around here? I'm kinda on vacation, just relaxing and focus-grouping a few things...

Celeste was in town last night, and she taught me how to make a crescent-moon chair.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a crescent-moon chair!

Not far away, I also spotted Jolly Redd’s ship. He had a fake quaint painting, a fake amazing painting, a fake informative statue, and a moving painting I wasn’t sure about. I bought the moving painting, and I felt pretty good about it, since the other three were fake.

But today, I received the art from Redd, and Blathers informed me that it was a fake. Even though Redd will usually have at least one real work of art, it’s not a guarantee. It’s a bummer, but at least I now have a picture of the fake one for comparison purposes for next time.

Today is Bones’s birthday, and I made sure to attend his party. This is his first birthday on the island, believe it or not. He looks so sharp in his birthday suit outfit! 😛

Bones: It's real cool to have everyone celebrate my birthday like this.
Happy birthday, dawg!

I gave him a customized doghouse as his present, and he loved it. Agent S was also at the party, and she was happy to see Bones smiling. 🙂

Agent S: And, like, when Bones is smiling, I get really happy too!

C.J. was in town with another seasports challenge for me. He wanted me to catch three big-time fish in a row, so I caught a catfish, an arowana, and a soft-shelled turtle. I grabbed some additional fish from storage, and I sold 13 fish to C.J. (in Donkey Kong Country) for 197k.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 197,325 bells. Deal?

I’ll be back with another entry later in the week. Have a good day!

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Bones!”

  1. Hey Jeff, it’s Finn from the town of Aquarius (this is the name I’ve used when I’ve commented on here before… right…? 🤣) just thought I’d check in with you and I’m glad that your blogs are still going strong, I do still read them on-and-off. I must confess that New Horizons hasn’t been able to top New Leaf for me personally, but I can say that I’m absolutely in love with the ability to terraform your island and add outside furniture. The islands are really brimming with character more than any game before. I hope you’re staying safe what with the Rona as well. ✌️

    1. It looks like you also used Finlay one time, but hi again! Yeah, New Horizons is certainly missing a lot of things from previous games, but that hasn’t stopped me from enjoying it immensely.

      Yeah, I’m staying safe, I hope you are too! Take care, and I hope to see you around again! 🙂

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