Static vs. Convenience

As of yesterday (Friday, February 25th), the snow of winter has melted and spring has unofficially arrived to the Animal Crossing universe.

Marina asked me to play a treasure hunt game, although she only gave me three minutes to find the buried item. But this time, I was successful; it only took me one minute to find it.

Time remaining 2:00. Treasure found! I found treasure!

I returned it to Marina, and she opened it up for me. There was a steampunk hat inside.

Later on, Static was feeling grouchy (well, more than usual), and he was complaining about convenience, of all things. 😛

Static: Like this whole email thingy. Oh, goodie, you can send a picture of a smiley face through the ethernet!

He said he’d prefer to leave an angry letter on someone’s buggy. Wow.

The Nooklings were buying turnips for 128 bells apiece, so I sold my entire stash for a total of 230,400 bells. However, I did not make any progress towards my “Cornering the Stalk Market” achievement! My total was the same before and after selling turnips!

Contrary to what I’ve previously thought, apparently it does only count profit and not total sales. But since I recently took a big loss, apparently I had dug myself a hole and this modest profit did not fully recoup my losses. In other words, the figure shown on the achievement is not necessarily your current progress, it’s your high point. It’s like the Cast Master goal in that respect: It shows your high score, not your current score.

Today, my previous snowman gave me a large snowflake on his way out. At least he lived long enough to see springtime. 😛

Snowboy: It's my dramatic parting gift to you, handed over as I melt into oblivion...

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he performed K.K. Chorale for me and Apollo.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff and Apollo.

Today’s mysterious island was an autumn island, and I pocketed a bunch of acorns and mushrooms. I checked my crafting recipes and saw that I never made a mush lamp yet, so I went ahead and made my first one right there.

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. Never Stop Crossing!

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