Yesterday morning, I bought some turnips from Daisy Mae. She was charging 103 bells apiece, and I bought 1,700 of them for 175,100 bells.
Later in the day, Ketchup asked to visit my house. I normally decline the visits, but since it’s Ketchup, and since she hadn’t visited my house yet, I decided to let her come over this one time. She kept asking me to show her more rooms, even though she plopped right down in the middle of the floor and showed no intentions of moving. 😛
Her words didn’t match her actions.
Last night, I began demolition of some structures on the eastern edge of town. Ocean Sunfish Tower, Frog Pond, and Cosmos Canyon (the archway) no longer exist. I then began work on a new obstacle course. But it’s still very early into development, so don’t expect it anytime soon.
But as I was working, an unexpected problem popped up: An error message appeared, informing me that my system was automatically going into sleep mode because of overheating. I’ve had issues with my Switch being rather loud since at least last year (likely a fan/cooling issue), but this was the first time it has forced itself into sleep mode.
I may need to get my Switch repaired at some point. But for now, I’m trying to play shorter sessions (yesterday’s session was rather long, since I was demolishing and designing). I’ll see how often this problem recurs before I decide anything. But I hate the idea of being without my Switch (and island) for weeks while I send it in to be repaired. And Nintendo Switch Sports comes out on Friday too, so the timing is awful! 🤞
When I played again later, Wisp was in town. I recovered his spirits in exchange for a winnowing machine.
Today, I went out to Lottie’s Island to work a shift for Paradise Planning. Octavian was there on the beach, and he wanted a vacation home where he could relax by the sea. I picked out a small island where he had the whole beach to himself.
He insisted on a hammock outdoors, and I also supplied him with some beach chairs with a parasol, a wave breaker, a palm-tree lamp, a cooler box, and a beach ball.
Indoors, I started to give Octavian the tropical vista and sandy-beach flooring…but then I realized that was too similar to what I gave Angus last month. So I decided to go in a different direction, and I gave Octavian the mermaid set (plus a couple of items he suggested himself). I also used the ocean soundscape.
He should feel right at home here, even if he’s not exactly a mermaid. 😛
That’s all I have for today. But look for the next Wi-Fi Moments video coming in the next day or two! See you next time!