Mug ‘Stache

Last night, I accidentally hit Beardo with a net three times. I know how that sounds, but it’s true! 😆 He said it felt like I didn’t know him. I wish I didn’t know him!

Beardo: I feel like you don't even know me. How is that possible?

The fishing tournament was held today. I joined in late into the event, and I only participated in one run. I caught six fish in the three-minute time limit, which was good for eight points.

C.J.: SPLASH! That's 8 points!

C.J. bought my six fish for 2,460 bells.

I later found Rio sitting near the campsite, but sitting on the bench sideways. I like Rio, but she’s a bit of an odd bird. 😉

Rio sitting on the side edge of a log bench.

Out on Lottie’s Island, I purchased a standing electric sign. The sign shows a hot cup of coffee, but for some reason, there’s a mustache on the cup!

It says it costs 3,800 Poki for a standing electric sign.

It made me think of Beardo, but it’s not his mustache. So then I figured it was Brewster, because that would actually make sense…but it’s not his mustache either. His is more vertical, while this one is horizontal. So I’m not sure whose mustache it is, or why it’s on a cup of coffee, but I’m open to suggestions! Leave a comment if you have a theory!

Today I posted an updated Forest Quick Comparisons video. It compares and contrasts each of my Animal Crossing towns, listing my villagers, favorites, and various aspects of my towns. I hope you’ll check it out!

See you all next time!

2 thoughts on “Mug ‘Stache”

    1. I do, but I like all of my villagers in New Leaf. Cube is just my least favorite of them, mainly because I can’t find him half the time. He hides in the museum or somewhere.

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