Rio’s Itchy Brain

Yesterday, Gullivarrr sent me a sideways pirate barrel in the mail. I like it. 🏴‍☠️

With Halloween just a couple of days away, some characters are dressing up for the occasion. That includes Timmy and Tommy, who were wearing cute hats that made them look like…animals? 😛

Timmy and Tommy dressed up as...animals... for Halloween.

Celeste was in town last night, and she gave me a large star fragment. It’s kind of funny how she pulls this big, jagged, glowing (and possibly radioactive) meteorite out of her pocket like it’s nothing. 😆

Celeste: What a sight, wouldn't you agree? Anyhoo, it was so lovely, I wanted to share it with you, Jeff!

Rio was sitting near the pond up on Bird’s Nest Mountain, and she was complaining big-time about the fact that she was itching all over.

Rio: My brain itches, Jeff! MY BIG CHIC BRAIN!

I swung my net and caught a flea, and she was shocked that she had fleas.

Rio: Ohmigosh..
You’re welcome. Now give me your photo, please. 😉

She thanked me for saving her from the agony. But of course, she offered no reward. 😛

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town. I asked for a random song, and he played Soulful K.K. for me and Bones.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff and Bones.
A skeleton and Bones enjoyed the concert together.

Enjoy your weekend, and have a Happy Halloween! See you again soon! 🎃

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