Professor Pie?!

On Thursday, I encountered Pascal again. And this time, his words of wisdom were about being called “childish.” I’m just glad I’m still getting new quotes from him that I haven’t seen before. 🙂

Pascal: Why is it an insult to call someone childish? Being grown-upish is way worse. Ask any grown-up.

Just a couple weeks after giving me a nickname of “Tater tot,” Bob already wanted to change it again yesterday. Now he wants to call me Prof. Pie.

Bob: What about...Prof. Pie? Whaddaya think? Real cool, huh?

“Tater tot” was so cute, and now he wants to call me Professor Pie?! It sounds like a Clue (or Cluedo) character who goes around murdering people with pie. Oof.

Rio was in Able Sisters, and they also had a jester’s cap for sale. Since the cap is very colorful, just like Rio is, I decided to buy it for her. I think it looks good on her…even if it doesn’t match the doctor’s coat. 😆

Rio, wearing a jester's cap and a doctor's coat, looks at clothing in Able Sisters.

I recovered Wisp’s spirits for him, and he rewarded me with some dark-block flooring.

Tonight, I finally did something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. I replaced the pink flowers near Bob’s house (which were pink for Marina and Midge, the house’s two previous residents) with some purple hyacinths.

Purple hyacinths around Bob's house.

At the plaza, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song, and he performed The K. Funk. There was a good-sized crowd for a change; Louie, Agent S, Midge, and Static joined me for the show.

Static, Jeff, Midge, Agent S, and Louie attend a K.K. Slider concert.

When I put some money into the bank, my account balance reached 66 million bells.

I posted my latest video, New Horizons Moments #22, today. Check it out if you’re interested:

Tomorrow, I’m planning on visiting Logan’s town for the fireworks festival. But I may not post the blog entry until Monday (or possibly later).

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