Rio vs. Rio

Yesterday, Rio was telling me about her pet stag beetle, which is also named Rio.

Rio: When I caught her, she pinched my hand and it hurt SO bad!
Her name is Rio, and she pinches on the hand.

Rio the beetle pinched Rio the ostrich, and Rio called Rio a jerk. 😆

Rio: Rio's kind of a jerk, but she has a sweet name, so maybe it'll make her sweet!

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a theatrical outfit. She gave me a comedian’s outfit as an example, but I changed into my pirate outfit instead. She loved it, and she rewarded me with a Labelle knit shirt (and two tailor tickets, which she sent in the mail).

Label: ...A Labelle knit shirt, you see. It's from my brand. I'd love for you to have it.

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town, and I joined him right at 6:00 for his show. He performed Forest Life for me and Midge. Great song!

Jeff and Midge attentively enjoy a K.K. Slider concert.

I found a scallop while diving, and Pascal popped up to talk about change…and dinner.

Pascal: Everything changes. Sometimes it's scary, sometimes it's a relief, and sometimes it means dinner's ready.

I gave him the scallop, and he gave me a pearl in return.

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