Don’t Eat Ketchup!

On Monday, I visited Louie’s house and found Ankha was also visiting him. Ankha said it was a pleasant surprise to see me there, in her tomb.

Ankha: Well, isn't this a coincidence! What a pleasant surprise to see you here, in my tomb.

It’s not your tomb, Ankha! It’s Louie’s tomb! Uh, I mean, Louie’s house.

Over at the plaza, June told me that she loves making fresh-squeezed apple juice…in her hair! She wanted me to be her taste-tester, but hair juice isn’t my style.

June: I love making fresh-squeezed apple juice too, in my hair.

Last week, I mentioned that I actually learned a new D.I.Y. recipe for the first time in a long time. But this week (on Tuesday), I learned another one! It was for a cosmos crown.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a cosmos crown!

On Thursday, Cleo the horse was camping at the campsite. I really liked the color of her dress, which is apparently a floral lace dress.

Cleo, at the campsite: Ah, do you live here? I'm Cleo. A pleasure.

But I was never a fan of her on GameCube; her snootiness always rubbed me the wrong way. Having her clip-clopping around town would almost be a night mare. 😉 (Okay, she’s not really that bad, but I still didn’t invite her in.)

But speaking of nightmares, Merengue was telling Ketchup that she had a dream about a spaghetti faucet…

Merengue: What's strange is, just a night ago, I dreamed I had a spaghetti faucet.

Ketchup told her she should dream up some sauce faucets so she had something to put on the spaghetti, and Merengue was trying to think of a good sauce. She even mentioned a tomato sauce, and I’m 90% sure she was thinking about eating Ketchup in that moment. 😆

Merengue: There are so many possibilities: tomato, cream-based, pesto, or just a simple garlic and oil...

Tonight, I attended K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show at the plaza. I let him choose the song (as I usually do), and he performed K.K. Mariachi for me and Ankha.

K.K. Slider performs for me and Ankha.

I posted a new video today, New Horizons Moments #28. It features highlights from late June up through this week. I hope you’ll check it out!

I’ll see you all next time!

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