On Wednesday, Static told me he wanted to finish all of the projects he’s started over the course of his life. He said it was a bucket list thing, and his first goal was to complete his bucket collection.

I ran into Pascal while diving, and he asked why lions are considered kings of the jungle when they actually live in the savanna. Good question…maybe they’ve been lion to us all along!

Yesterday, Bob was talking about wishing on shooting stars. He told me that one time, he asked a star for a ride…

But because he didn’t wish to arrive at a specific location, he just ended up on the roof of Resident Services! Be careful what you wish for!

Jay the bird (I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that he’s a blue jay) was camping at the campsite. He seems pretty cool, but I didn’t invite him to move in.

Tonight, I attended K.K. Slider’s show at the plaza. We actually had a bit of a crowd for a change: Ankha, Merengue, and Static joined me on a musical adventure. K.K. Adventure, that is.

In case you haven’t seen my latest video, which I posted yesterday, here it is. It’s New Horizons Moments #31:
Here are a few other quick notes about this week:
- On Sunday, a perfect snowboy I built sent me an ice wall.
- Tuesday, Merengue was sick with a cold. I gave her some medicine, and she gave me a shop uniform shirt to thank me.
- I returned a lost book to Louie, and he gave me a zen uniform.
- I shot down a balloon present tonight, and I found a jockey’s helmet inside. I guess I can wear it to stirrup some excitement.