First Gyroids

Today, I dug up my first three gyroids! A drummoid was my first one, followed by a squeezoid and a stelloid. Here’s a look at them; they’re cute!

My first three gyroids: a drummoid, squeezoid, and stelloid.

As expected, the museum was closed for construction. It will reopen tomorrow with a cafe!

The museum is closed for construction.

I used my new permanent ladder to reach a buried item (a rare mushroom) up on a cliff, and I was happy to discover that I didn’t need to put my shovel away to use the ladder! Sometimes it’s the small things that make us happy. 😛

Just climbed a ladder while holding my shovel.

I took a plane out to Harv’s Island, and I saw someone new. At Tortimer’s usual spot, I found Cornimer instead!

Cornimer: The Acorn Legend is back! It is I, Cornimer, and the season of ME has come again! EH HEH HEH HOORF!

If you’re not aware, he’s an obscure character who hosts the Acorn Festival in Animal Crossing: Wild World. Some may say he is really Tortimer in disguise, but where on earth would they get that idea? 😉

But anyway, he gave me three acorns to use for crafting…before offering to access my storage, just like Tortimer would do. I’m not sure if he only appears in the autumn, but it seems plausible.

Next, I made my way over to the new stand belonging to Jolly Redd. He told me I was limited to buying one piece of art per day…and I was thrilled! To have a selection of art every day is amazing compared to seeing him once every two weeks. This may mean I’ll complete my museum in a matter of months instead of years. 🤞

Redd: Of course, stock is always an issue when it comes to finery, so I gotta limit you to 1 piece of art per day.

He had a real famous painting and a fake tremendous statue. I didn’t need either of them, but I’ll be back again tomorrow to check again.

But art isn’t all that Redd has to offer. He has raffle prizes, much like you’d see at the fireworks festival. For 500 bells, you can get a random item. I got three different ice cream cones, so I’m not sure what other types of items you can win. But handheld items are always fun (and sometimes delicious).

Since I still need to get ahold of some vegetable seeds for cooking, I funded Leif’s stand next. I’m assuming he will sell them, since Nook’s Cranny hasn’t had any yet. Although, T. Zelda did send me a few carrot starts in the mail…so thanks, TZ!

Of course, I also made my daily trip out to a mysterious island.

Kapp'n: This world spins 'round, but I be here to stay.

I found another gyroid fragment and I also caught a tarantula there. But otherwise, there wasn’t really anything interesting about the island. I still haven’t seen an island that has vines.

As a reminder, I’ll be opening my gate to friends tomorrow night (Saturday) at 9:30 p.m. Eastern time. That also means tomorrow’s blog entry will probably be posted quite late. 😛

Meeting Tortimer

This morning, I dug up my gyroid fragment to find…that it was still a gyroid fragment. I forgot to water it! So I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get my first gyroid(s).

That disappointment was followed with another when I learned that the plaza train and plaza ferris wheel that I ordered could not be placed in the plaza. And while the ferris wheel is fairly big, it’s clearly not big enough for villagers to use. I was hoping we’d get some of those Pocket Camp style attractions that villagers can actually use. That’s a missed opportunity by Nintendo, IMO.

The plaza ferris wheel and plaza train.

But on a brighter note, these items would fit in great if I eventually decide to bring back my amusement park.

I took a plane out to Harv’s Island, where I got to meet Tortimer! Harvey introduced him as someone who can deliver and hold my belongings. But Tortimer quickly chimed in that that’s not all he does! That is very good to hear!

Tortimer: That's not all I do. Heh heh HORF!

But nothing else was revealed so far. I’m obviously not expecting a multiplayer mode at this point, but I’ll take whatever I can get. And I was unable to break into enter his RV. 😛 But I did take an antique photo with the antique special character.

An antique photo with Tortimer.

Harriet offered to give me a haircut, and I accepted…but I soon regretted it. Fortunately, she allowed me to revert to my previous hairdo.

Next, I took a boat ride to today’s mysterious island. There, I found Brewster! He agreed to come to my town, and he also gave me a gyroid fragment.

Brewster: Coo... You out here looking for gyroids too?

I also found another gyroid fragment on that island. When I returned home, I made sure they were all watered. They exhale a little puff of air to show that they’re alive, and they’ve been watered.

When I told Blathers the news about Brewster, he said he has to prepare the museum. So it will be closed tomorrow, and will reopen on Saturday with the Roost!

At Nook’s Cranny, I found a digital book of basic cooking recipes for sale in the cabinet. I bought it, but unfortunately, the shop did not have any food ingredients today. So I still can’t do much cooking.

As I did some fishing, I learned several new food recipes after catching different types of fish. That includes sea bass pie, which sounds completely disgusting. 😛

I could cook something with this fish. Yeah! I've come up with a recipe for sea-bass pie!

Celeste was in town for a meteor shower, and she now has new recipes to share! I learned how to make a yellow star rug. ⭐

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a yellow star rug!

Thanks to the night owl ordinance, Nook’s Cranny is now open beyond the usual 10 p.m. closing time. But unfortunately, we only get one extra hour instead of the three extra hours we got in New Leaf! The shop now closes at 11:00 p.m., which isn’t that much of a help. Oof.

Nook's Cranny. Shop hours: 8 AM - 11 PM

I posted my video today, showing my highlights from last night and this morning. Check it out if you’d like.

And I have an update on my next online session. I plan to open my gate to friends on Saturday night (not Friday, since the Roost won’t be open yet), around 9:30 p.m. Eastern time. Anyone on my roster is welcome.

See you all next time!

The ACNH 2.0 Update is Here!

On Monday, Static was telling me about a pair of twins that he knows. He said they like to play pranks, and one day they switched jobs. But one of them was Static’s doctor, and the other was a race car driver!

Static: Even went to each other's jobs! Thing is, one of 'em was my doctor, and the other was a race-car driver.

Static said he got a prescription for two hours of drifting and an oil change. 😀

Static: I still got a prescription, mind ya. Two hours of driftin' and a routine oil change. Cleared me right up!

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a sporty outfit. She gave me a dance-team jacket to get me started, and I added a football helmet, football pants, and cleats. Label said it was fashion perfection, and she rewarded me with some Labelle sunglasses.

Yesterday, Gullivarrr was in town. I went diving for his communicator and found it on my 3rd dive.

Halloween may be over, but that doesn’t mean the frights are gone. I found a monster up at the campsite!

Cabnerra, at the campsite: Hey, do you live out here? You do! What's up, temporary-neighbor!

Canberra is one of many frightening koalas in the series. Let me send her off on the next ship back to Australia.

A new seasonal item is now available, the handheld lantern. It’s available for 1,100 bells, and you have until November 11th to order it.

Handheld lantern: 1,100 bells.

Today, I received my gift from Gullivarrr in the mail: It was some pirate flooring.

The Update Arrives Early!

After 9:00 tonight, I was surprised to learn that the 2.0 update was available now! A full 24 hours sooner than I was expecting it! After installing it, Isabelle bombarded me with a ton of info, and then I found five letters in my mailbox telling me about new things. It’s honestly overwhelming!

But I made my way up to town hall, and found a new post on the bulletin board. It told me about the tape deck that can be used for group stretching, and I couldn’t resist doing one session right away. It’s so cute!

Doing some stretching/aerobics exercises!

Inside town hall, I spoke with Tom Nook to expand my storage. The first update costs a whopping 700,000 bells!

Next, I used the Nook Stop to buy some of the new features (but not all of them just yet). I bought the pro camera app, the custom designs patterns+ upgrade (which unfortunately doesn’t give more pattern storage), the pro decorating license (for accent walls and ceiling items), the pro construction license (to increase the max number of bridges and inclines), and the new reactions notebook. I also looked through the new items: Topiaries are among the new rewards available!

Round topiary.

I ordered a few items, and they should arrive tomorrow. Next, I paid 20,000 bells to enact the night owl ordinance. It will go into effect tomorrow.

While using the Nook Miles+ app, I noticed that there are empty spots indicating new achievements waiting to be earned.

Visiting the Islands

Next, I flew out to Harv’s island. The vendors to be unlocked are Katrina, Saharah, Tortimer, Reese & Cyrus, Leif, Redd, and Kicks. So there are no surprises here, as far as I can tell. The description for Redd was a “legitimate art dealer,” so it makes me wonder if the art sold here will always be real? Or maybe Redd is just pulling a fast one on Lloid, just like he fools us all.

Lloid: We are accepting donations to fund a legitimate art dealer, buddy!

Each one costs 100,000 bells to unlock, and you can only unlock one per day. Even though Redd was tempting, I opted to unlock Tortimer first.

My next stop was the dock, where I messed around with the new camera options.

Jeff and Kapp'n.

I then paid 1,000 Nook Miles to visit a mysterious island. There I found money trees, a message bottle which had a new recipe (stacked senmaizuke barrels), and a buried gyroid fragment (which I later buried in front of my house).

Look! I dug up a gyroid fragment!

On the return trip home, I noticed you can use a few different emotions (such as clapping and laughing) by pressing different buttons. Pretty cool! But I’ll miss boat rides with multiple players like we had in New Leaf.

Jeff looks shocked on the boat ride home.

Visits & Cooking

After learning that I couldn’t go back to another island (disappointing, isn’t it?), I decided to buy the cooking recipes from the Nook Stop. I checked my storage for kitchen furniture to use for cooking, and then Apollo barged into my house!

Apollo: Hope I'm not botherin' you! Just thought I'd come say hello.
You are.

This is one of my least favorite parts of the update. 😛 But he promptly gave me his photo (a duplicate), and then he wanted to play a card game. I won the game, and he gave me a tiny party cap as my prize.

I left out the door to get him to leave, and then I did some cooking! Unfortunately, most of the default recipes required ingredients like flour, that I couldn’t get yet (since the shop was closed for the night). But I was able to make an apple smoothie.

Look what I made... an apple smoothie!

What About The Roost?

Believe it or not, I nearly forgot about the Roost! I went up to the museum and spoke with Blathers. He had a thought bubble over his head, and he told me that he wanted to add a cafe to the museum. He asked me to search for Brewster for him, and he gave me Brewster’s photo.

Blathers: That is a photograph of Brewster. Should you find him, tell him I'd like him to come to Forest.

Blathers told me I could find Brewster on one of the mysterious islands, looking for gyroids. Unfortunately, I had already used up my one daily boat trip! So I think this will delay me from getting the Roost by a day. So if you’re reading this before playing the update yourself, remember to speak with Blathers before taking your first boat ride!

Blathers then told me he will have posters to commemorate the completion of each museum collection. He gave me one of each for free (except for the art one, since I haven’t completed that collection yet). But you can also buy additional posters for 5,000 bells each.

Other Thoughts

Apparently, the ladder kits will be sold at the shop…so I wasn’t able to get one yet. But hopefully, I’ll remember to do that tomorrow. Another random thing I noticed is that you still can’t sit on rocks. In New Leaf, that was one of the surprise features added in the Welcome Amiibo update, and I was wondering if would be one here too…but it’s not. That’s okay though, because that’s obviously not a big deal. 😀

Overall, I’m loving the update so far! But it is overwhelming to get all of this at once. So in a way, I guess it’s good that some things can only be done once a day (like visiting mysterious islands and unlocking vendors at Harv’s island). That’ll give me reasons to keep coming back day after day (as if I wouldn’t anyway 😂). And of course, I’m looking forward to unlocking the Roost! And maybe there will be other small surprises that we discover along the way. 🙂

I plan on posting a first impressions video at some point tomorrow (Thursday). Not only will it show more details of things mentioned here, but it will include the happenings of tomorrow morning as well. So you can see the results of some of tonight’s unlockings (why isn’t that a word? :P) hours before I post tomorrow’s blog entry.

Also, I plan on opening my gate to friends on Friday at 10 p.m. Eastern time. SORRY, I was planning on opening Friday night, but it seems that I won’t have the Roost yet! So I think I’ll make it Saturday night instead, so that we can all get some coffee. I’m not sure if it’ll be 9pm or 10pm yet, so check back again tomorrow or Friday for more details.

See you all tomorrow!