Static’s Magic Trick

On Sunday night, the owl on the bulletin board indicated there was a new message posted. It was about the fishing tournament, but before I read it, I tried to get the owl to fly up towards the camera a couple times. This is the best I could do:

An owl flies away from the bulletin board.
“Owl be back!”

Wisp was in town, and I gathered up his spirits in exchange for a digital scale.

Static was telling me about a friend of his that got a smart watch. The friend told Static “watch this,” and the friend started pushing some buttons. But nothing ever happened, and Static couldn’t help but laugh.

Static: Gahaha! The day I let a watch outsmart me is the day I retire.
Retire from what?

Yesterday, the Nooklings had a spooky treats basket for sale. That’s one of the new Halloween items for 2021.

Tommy: Seems like you're interested in a spooky treats basket.

Kody was camping at the campsite, and he’s another of my buddies from my GameCube town. But for some reason, I don’t think he looks as cute as he does in the older games.

Kody holds a donut at the campsite.

Today (Tuesday), Saharah was in town. I bought a security-monitors wall and a pyramid tile from her. I like them, but I already have them both.

When I visited Static, he said he was going to do a magic trick for me! 🪄

Static: Taught myself a magic trick! Ready? So, right here I got an ordinary handkerchief... Uh, right, um...

But then he realized he didn’t have his handkerchief with him…even though we were at his house! How disappointing.

Static: Guess I forgot to bring it with me. Remind me to do that trick for you some other time, krzzt.
After that performance, I disappeared.

At the plaza, Marina was enjoying a nice shish kabob! But she also had a flea that was also feasting…on Marina. I caught it for her.

Marina, holding a shish kabob: Oh no!

Shortly after that, I ended my night in Forest. See you all next time.

Pumpkin Season

Yesterday, Gulliver sent me a geisha wig in the mail. I also received some mail from Jack; he sent me his portrait, along with a reminder to start saving up candy for Halloween.

Leif was in town, selling pumpkin starts at half-price. I bought a few of them, although I don’t plan on keeping up with them as much as I did last year.

Leif: Since October and Halloween are such close friends, pumpkin starts are on sale for half off!

Wisp was also in Forest, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a stovetop espresso maker.

Tonight, it was K.K. Slider night. I was surprised to see a pretty good crowd at the plaza, and K.K. performed K.K. Steppe for me, Marina, Eloise, Bones, and Louie. I really enjoyed the show tonight. 🙂

K.K. Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Steppe?
He really stepped up his performance.

I later gave Static a mini fridge that I bought at Nook’s Cranny. In return, he gave me a simple parka.

Static: No way! You're givin' me... a mini fridge?!
Yeah! You can use it to keep your nuts cool.

I planted five pumpkin starts and watered them, I wished on a couple of shooting stars, and then I wrapped up my game for the night. I haven’t had the motivation for decorating lately. 😛

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!

Prog Rock & Jacquess?

I ran into Apollo at Able Sisters yesterday. He informed me that one of the designs was made by someone. You don’t say.

Apollo: This design's by someone.
Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Jacques the bird was at the campsite, camping out and eating a donut. He told me that 100% of Jacquess would rate the campground highly.

Jacques: So far, I like what I'm seeing. 100 percent of Jacquess would rate this campground highly.

I’m just trying to wrap my head around “Jacquess” being the plural of Jacques. 🤔 That just doesn’t look right to me.

Jolly Redd was in town, but unfortunately, he didn’t have any art that I needed. I bought another flowery painting just to have as a future prize.

Today (Thursday), Gulliver was sleeping on the beach. I gathered up his communicator pieces for him, and he’ll send me a gift tomorrow.

Agent S sent me an amusing letter in the mail, telling a story of how she sent a note in class to impress a girl named Debbie. She lied in the note, saying that she hated pop music! 😮

Story time, buddy! Once, my teacher caught me passing a note and I had to read it aloud. It said 'I hate pop music.' I WAS LYING! I wanted to impress this girl, Debbie. She liked prog rock. WHAT EVEN IS PROG ROCK? No, seriously. -Agent S

It was a dreary, rainy night. Louie mistook the rain on me for sweat. Silly jock.

Louie: You been working out, oh banana? You're all sweaty! Oh...that's rain?!

I crafted an acorn pochette for Static (you know, because squirrels like acorns). But when I gave it to him in the museum, he didn’t exactly seem thrilled. 😛 He gave me a rotary phone in return.

Static: Hm? An acorn pochette?

See you all next time.