Metroid Town Tune

Yesterday, I listened in on a conversation between Marina and Hornsby. They were playing a word game, and Hornsby had to come up with a word that rhymed with ninja. He decided on “binge-yeah,” and Marina objected to that because it’s not a real word.

Marina: I don't think binge-yeah is a real word, Hornsby.

She said he was just mashing up two unrelated words, and that was true. But that just made Hornsby start thinking of mashing foods together, in this case, pie and ice cream.

Hornsby: Right, like a mashup of yummy foods! Ooh, now I'm thinking about mashing pie up into some ice cream...

He called the new invention “pice-cream.”

Today, Apple told me she was on a mission: She wanted to take a great photo with every NookPhone filter. She particularly liked the “dramatic” filter.

Apple: Have you tried the Dramatic filter? It can make a boring ol' shot look like a SUPER-captivating moment!

She even joked that it might make her too powerful. 😛

Apple: I've been testing it out on the local scenery first. I need to make sure it won't make me...TOO powerful.

It was K.K. Slider night, and I asked him for a random song. He performed K.K. Waltz for me, Marina, Bones, Hornsby, and Apollo. The song was just alright, but it was nice to have a bunch of villagers at the concert.

K.K. Slider performs for Bones, Hornsby, Marina, Jeff, and Apollo.

After the show, I waltzed inside Resident Services. In honor of the recent release of Metroid Dread, I decided to make the Metroid find-item jingle my new town tune.

Animal Crossing town tune for the Metroid find-item jingle.
Looking for more town tunes?

In case you’re wondering, I haven’t bought Metroid Dread yet, but I plan on getting it soon.

Less than two weeks until the New Horizons update arrives! 🙂 I’ll see you all next time.

Drowsy Driving

Yesterday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate dress in the mail. It’s getting to the point that it’s almost not worth helping Gullivarrr out when all he sends me are duplicates of clothing items I’ll never wear.

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in an outdoorsy outfit. I put on some outdoor shorts and an outback hat to go along with my skull tee (and impish wings, which I actually forgot I was wearing). I was slightly surprised when Label mentioned that it was fashion perfection…but I’ll take it!

Label: And it all comes together in fashion perfection. Your taste is impeccable, Jeff.

She rewarded me with a Labelle skirt. Wow, so I got a skirt and a dress from special characters on the same day. What’s next, a tutu?

Today, Agent S sent me a letter with a fashion item she wanted me to wear. So I checked the attached item, and it was a paper bag! I decided to put it on.

When I visited her, she told me that if I poke Agent S, she rolls up into a ball! Is she Samus Aran? 😀

Agent S: If you poke Agent S, she rolls up into a ball! SO adorbs!

But actually, she was talking about her pet pill bug, who is also named Agent S.

I found Cobb the ugly green pig hanging out in a tent at the campsite. I should have given him the paper bag to wear. 😀

Cobb, at the campsite: Yo! How's it going? They call me Mega-Arm Cobb.

While I was doing some fishing (for a Nook Miles+ goal), I noticed Tia lying on a throwback race-car bed up on Rainbow Road! I don’t recall seeing a villager do that before! But she quickly stood back up, as I reeled in the fish. I guess it was just a quick nap.

Tia sleeps on a throwback race-car bed on Rainbow Road in Forest.
The fish was a black bass, if you must know. 😛

I posted a new video today, ranking my top ten most-wanted new features from the recent Nintendo Direct. Check it out if you’re interested, and let me know what features you’re looking forward to most!

See you all next time!

Invisible Stationery

On Sunday, I was clearing out some old mail and a previous letter from Jolly Redd was taking a while to load. It eventually showed up…but on invisible stationery! Just the text appeared, floating in air!

A letter from Jolly Redd appears to be written on invisible stationery: The letters were hanging in mid-air!

When the Forest Bureau of Investigation demanded more transparency about Redd’s business practices, this isn’t what they had in mind! 😛 But seriously, what an odd glitch! Unless that stationery got removed from the game or something? I don’t know, it was weird!

Wisp was in town, but he was a bit hard to reach. I had to use my ladder to climb up the little cliff near my arches.

Wisp appears on a thin cliff edge.

I collected his five spirits for him, and in return, he gave me a hammock. I sure couldn’t use it up there, though!

Today, there was a heavy meteor shower, and Gullivarrr was in town. I wished on quite a few shooting stars.

I wish on shooting stars as Gullivarrr looks on.

I found Gullivarrr’s communicator on my very first dive. So I returned it to him, and he will send me a reward in the mail tomorrow. Celeste was also in town, and she gave me five star fragments to use for crafting.

When I visited Hornsby, he told me that he loves split-pea soup so much that he’s been eating it for every meal. And every snack time, too…

Hornsby: Dinner, night snack, bed snack, late-night snack, dark-time dinner, and spooky-time snacks...

So then he wondered why he’s getting tired of it. 😂 Yeah, I wonder why. 😛

Hornsby: I thought it was my favorite food... But somehow I'm getting tired of it. I don't understand...

Not much else was going on tonight. But I’ll see you all again soon. Have a good night (or day)!