If Buildings Could Talk

When I came out of Resident Services last night, I saw a speech bubble saying “What to do, what to do?” It looked as if the Resident Services building itself was asking that!

Resident Services building, apparently: What to do, what to do?

But it turned out to just be Midge, who was standing behind the building. She had been wondering if I wanted a whiteboard. It was free, so I accepted the gift.

Midge: Is it true that you've been looking for a whiteboard?

But really though, what would the Resident Services building say, if it could talk? Here are a few possibilities:

  • “Life was simpler when I was just a tent.”
  • “How can I get Tom Nook out of me?”
  • “Nobody realizes how much Isabelle snores at night!”

Let me know what you think the building would say in a comment below! 🙂

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a theatrical outfit. She gave me a morning coat to use as an example, but I went with my usual: I dressed up as a pirate. Label loved the outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle cap.

Label: ...A Labelle cap, you see. It's from my brand. I'd love for you to have it.

Agent S also acknowledged my pirate outfit, and she wondered if I would be speaking like a pirate too.

Agent S: Nice pirate getup! So, are you talking like a pirate as well as dressing like one? That's totes a thing, you know.
Arrr, of course I be!

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town for his Saturday night show. I asked him for a random song, and he bared his soul…by performing K.K. Soul. Ketchup, Agent S, and Ankha were also at the show.

K.K. Slider performs for Ketchup, Jeff, Ankha, and Agent S.

Up at the campsite, Henry the frog was camping. He seems nice, but I wasn’t interested in asking him to move in. Especially since he didn’t offer me part of his sandwich. 😉

Henry: See you around!

See you next time!

An Eye for Mushrooms

I recently updated the dream version of Forest, for the first time since last winter! So if you’d like to check out the current state of Forest, including my Halloween decorations and Zelda obstacle course, head on over to dream address 6717-1633-3682.

On Sunday, I bought 1,800 turnips from Daisy Mae for 97 bells apiece. On Tuesday morning, I sold them for almost double that price: 187 bells. That helped my savings account balance reach 71 million bells.

Savings Balance: 71,020,000 bells.

I ran into Pascal while diving on Monday, and he had some words of wisdom about not making mountains out of molehills.

Pascal: They say not to make mountains outta molehills. But if you're making mountains, can you be that picky?

Even though Tuesday was Halloween, I did not participate in the festivities this year. At least not in New Horizons; I did play some City Folk, though.

Yesterday marked the beginning of November, and mushrooms can now be found on our islands. Isabelle reminded me that they can also be used for crafting, since I’m just so used to selling them immediately.

Isabelle: Of course they're delicious, but don't forget they can also be used in the occasional DIY project.

But you will want to sell the rare mushrooms, which are worth 16,000 bells apiece. Keep an eye out for them.

Look: I dug up a rare mushroom!

A few quick notes about the special visitors lately:

  • Last Saturday, Gullivarrr sent me another pirate outfit.
  • K.K. Slider performed K.K. Western for me, Rio, and Ankha.
  • I helped Gulliver yesterday, and he sent me yet another sombrero today. I don’t know why he sends so many of these.

Zelda Obstacle Course

I recently finished up my new obstacle course, and it’s based on The Legend of Zelda series. It has references to several games throughout the series, from the NES game through Breath of the Wild.

The start of my Zelda obstacle course.

Yesterday, Anthony and Jen came over to try it out. Some of you may remember that I made a Dream Suite Adventure of Jen’s New Leaf town Pink Sea several years back.

I neglected to tell them they’d need a vaulting pole during the race, so they both kinda stopped at Lake Hylia and seemed unsure of how to progress. I should’ve mentioned that ahead of time, oops. 😛 Anthony won the first race, but made a mistake on the 2nd run: Instead of offering the apple to the statue, he accidentally ate it! 😆 So Jen pulled ahead and won that round. But we did one final round as a tie-breaker, and Anthony won. Thank you both for helping out, Anthony and Jen! 🙂

Here is a video of the course, showing my walkthrough/explanation and then two races:

Today, Gullivarrr was in town, and I went diving to recover his communicator.

At 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. This was my first FNF since June. Sacky and Bran were the first to arrive. After we bought candy and played ocarinas in the pumpkin area for a bit, we headed over to the obstacle course. Sacky wasn’t interested in playing, so I offered to race against Bran. I won, even though Bran was going in blind, so I had an unfair advantage. 😛

Bran and Logan reach the pipe at the end of the obstacle course.

Logan then arrived, and he raced against Bran in the closest race I’ve seen yet. They arrived at the end pipe simultaneously. Logan won, but just barely. 😛

We headed over to my older, smaller obstacle course, and Logan again narrowly beat Bran. We eventually made our way over to the hot tub, where I stuck my feet through the seemingly solid outer wall. 😛

Sitting in the hot tub.

After we were cooked thoroughly, we headed over to my house and jumped around a bit.

Jumping in my house.

We discussed Halloween in Animal Crossing, and when the next Animal Crossing game might come out. We figured that Switch 2 may come out in 2024, but we’re hoping to get the next Animal Crossing by 2025. I’d love for it to come out in 2024 with Switch 2, but I really doubt it. Animal Crossing has never been a launch game.

An ocean geniefish.

Around 11:20, Sacky left quietly. Logan was getting tired, as was I, so I decided to end the session a bit earlier than usual. But thanks to everyone who came! I had a good time. 🙂