Visiting Quad Isle

Today, Xavier invited me over to his island Quad Isle because he had Celeste in town. So I flew there, where he also had another friend visiting. But she disconnected just seconds after I arrived. Xavier showed me around his island, and I just loved his ice cream parlor! So beautiful and colorful!

Xavier's beautiful ice cream parlor in Quad Isle.

Another area I liked a lot was his autumn-themed hideaway.

Xavier's autumn hideaway in Quad Isle.

We eventually spotted Celeste up on the cliff in the northeast corner of town. She taught me a DIY recipe for the Capricorn ornament.

We wrapped around the island, and I took a very quick nap in the butterfly garden.

The butterfly garden.

I stopped to wish on some shooting stars in Xavier’s all-flowers garden.

Xavier's all-flowers garden.

It’s a beautiful island! If you’d like to dream of Quad Isle, the dream address is 8553-7431-5104.

When I returned home to Forest, I found Gullivarrr washed up on the beach. I went diving to find his communicator, so he will be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

To my surprise, I also found Celeste on my island! But since she already gave me a recipe today in Quad Isle, she didn’t have another one for me.

Rizzo had a thought bubble above his head, and of course, it got my hopes up. But he just wanted a new greeting, not a new home. I didn’t even bother coming up with a greeting; I just want him dead. I mean, gone. 😛

Rizzo: You know what? The storm has passed anyway. My mind's a-sailing in clear waters now. I'm a rat!
Please go with the flow and sail away, sail away, sail away!

I spent most of my playing time in Forest cleaning up tons of new flower buds that resulted from the snowfall yesterday. 😛

See you all next time!

Bronze Fish Trophy

In a letter, C.J. congratulated me for accumulating 100 fishing tournament points.

Angler Jeff, You're makin' serious waves in the Fishing Tourney scene. You've caught 100 net points. You've caught everyone's attention. And now you've caught a slick trophy so show off! Congrats! Keep it reel! -Tourney Anchor C.J.

The bronze fish trophy was enclosed. I still have a looooong way to go before I earn the silver and gold trophies. But you gotta start somewhere, right? 🙂

The bronze fishing trophy in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I also received my weekly evaluation from the Happy Home Academy. The interesting thing is that they gave me a point deduction because my zodiac ox figurine is “placed facing a wall.” But it’s not facing a wall!

My ice room in ACNH.

At Able Sisters, I bought some white football pants to go with my football jersey.

K.K. Slider was in town, since he was bumped from his usual spot yesterday because of the fishing tournament. He performed King K.K. for me, Keaton, Agent S, and Bones.

K.K. Slider performs for Keaton, Jeff, Agent S, and Bones in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Keaton later asked me to deliver an item to Apple, and I agreed to help out. Before Apple opened the package, she asked me to guess if it contained clothing or furniture. I guessed clothing, and she opened it up: It was a raglan shirt. She then gave it directly to me.

Apple: And that prize is...the very same raglan shirt you just gave back to me!

That gave me New Leaf vibes, because that’s how many deliveries ended up on 3DS. At least she spared me the “I just ordered this item for you” lie. 😛

See you all next time!

Winter Fishing Tourney

The fishing tournament was held today, so I headed to the plaza and talked with C.J. On my first run, I caught five fish in the three-minute session, earning me 7 points. That earned me 2,000 Nook Miles for competing, and I’ve now participated in all four fishing tourneys.

My fishing tourney achievements, with stamps for all four fishing tournaments.

I competed in eight more runs, scoring 7, 8, 7, 9, 8, 6, 7, and 7 points respectively. After my third run, C.J. informed me that I’ve hooked a total of 100 points. He will be sending me a prize in the mail tomorrow.

C.J.: You've hooked a Fishing Tourney net total of over 100 points. You're takin' the scene by storm!

I caught two new fish on the day, a bluegill and a tuna. I promptly donated them both to the museum.

I caught a tuna! It's a little off-key!

When I was done, I redeemed the 71 points in my pool for seven reward items from C.J.: an anchor statue, a fish rug, a fish print, a fish umbrella, a marine pop wall, a fresh cooler, and a tackle bag. I placed the anchor statue at the northern beach, and put the other items into storage.

Later on, Hornsby said that today’s tournament was very close. No it was not! I was the only one who caught any fish at all! 😛

Hornsby: Today's tourney was so close. All the excitement really got my tummy rumblin', schnozzle!

When I visited Midge, she asked if I think about pizza with wings when I think of foods. Well, I do now that you mentioned it! 😉

Midge: When you think foods, are you really thinking about pizza, with wings?
You’re making me hungry!

I hope you all had a fun and successful fishing tourney!

Louie, Tybalt, and Hornsby fish at the tournament.