Snow Mail

I received my reward from the Snowboy in the mail today, and it was an ice flooring…something that I already have the recipe for. So apparently once you know all the recipes, he will just send you a piece of the frozen set. If you’re wondering, it sells for 8,200 bells at Nook’s Cranny. So that’s close to the 8,888 bells paid for snowman stuff in earlier games.

I made another perfect snowboy today, and he also said he’ll send my reward in the mail. The bad thing about this is that they no longer give you a large snowflake on the day that you make them. (But perfect snowboys from previous days will still give you large snowflakes.)

When I visited Tybalt, he told me he had a piping hot protein shake for me. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think protein shakes are supposed to be piping hot?

Tybalt: I got a piping-hot protein shake here just for you, it's scary!

Hornsby asked me to play a treasure hunt game, and he only gave me three minutes to find the buried item. However, that was plenty of time, because it didn’t even take me 45 seconds to find it!

I found treasure!

Pay no attention to that hideous outfit of mine. I was trying to please Label again, but I keep failing miserably. But anyway, the treasure item was a lettered cap.

Wisp was in town, and I caught all of his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a monochromatic dotted wall. That’s a mouthful.

Wisp: Here, have... a monochromatic dotted wall!

I crafted some frozen furniture, and I made some changes to Candy Cane Lane in preparation for Friday night. We’ll have a new, (hopefully pretty), wintry spot where we can fall into holes. 😛

There may not be a blog entry on Wednesday (unless something particularly significant happens), but I will be back on New Year’s Eve with another entry. But technically, it will be late, probably well after midnight. So if you don’t hear from me before then, have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve, everyone!

Keaton: Do you realize that the year 2020 is almost over, DJ JEF? On a cliff, it's been wild!
You aren’t kiddin’, Keaton!

Sparkling Cider

Yesterday, I received the four New Year’s Eve items I ordered the day before. The sparkling cider is the most interesting, because it’s a handheld item. But you don’t actually drink it like you did in New Leaf. Instead, using the item makes you raise the glass, as if to say “Cheers!”

Jeff raises the glass of sparkling cider in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Even though I liked the ability to take a sip, this new method ensures that the drink should last longer. 😀

I made a perfect snowboy, and he taught me how to make a frozen tree. Immediately afterwards, I spotted a balloon present. I shot it down and learned the recipe for a Jingle wall. Finally, my third ornament recipe!

A bit later, Tybalt mentioned moving out of town. No way!

Wisp was in town last night, and I collected his five spirits for him. In return, he gave me some patchwork-tile flooring.

Today, I rolled up another perfect snowboy. He told me he’d give me a special item as a reward, but he said he’d send it in the mail. I thought that meant my pockets were full, but when I checked, they were not full. So I’m guessing I’ve already earned all of the frozen DIY recipes, and he’s now sending me something else.

Tybalt was shopping at Able Sisters, and he informed me that the only reason he wears clothes at all is to highlight his muscles! 😮

Tybalt: The only reason I even wear clothes is to highlight my muscles!

But he then added two more reasons: staying warm and not getting sunburned. 😛

Random note: My town is getting overrun with unwanted flowers. It’s starting to drive me crazy.

Jolly Redd has been showing up on my island every other week for a long time. But I should have seen him last week, and I didn’t. I can’t help but wonder if Jingle kicked him out of his spot in the rotation this time around. 🙁 Hopefully Redd will show up this week.

Many of my villagers have been looking forward to New Year’s Eve (and starting off 2021).

Agent S: We're going to have a BLAST at the countdown party on the 31st in the plaza! It's going to go ALL. NIGHT.

I don’t plan on opening my gate for the New Year’s Eve countdown this year, because I’m planning on recording a video. And I don’t want to risk missing the big moment because of a disconnection (or someone entering/leaving right at midnight). 😛

As for my late Christmas party, I’m now planning on just having a general holiday party on Friday night (January 1st) at the usual time. We can celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Day together. 😛

I posted my Toy Day video yesterday, so please check it out if you haven’t seen it yet.

See you all next time!

Pirate Outfit

Gullivarrr sent me my latest reward in the mail today, and I was happy to see he sent me a pirate outfit! Finally, no need to pass off my “GOLD” shirt as part of the pirate costume. 😛

Jeff tries on his new pirate outfit from Gullivarrr.

K.K. Slider was in town for his usual Saturday night performance. I asked him for a random song, and he played K.K. Ballad for me and Bones.

K.K.: right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Ballad?

But Bones seemed to be more interested in eating snow than listening to music. You just gotta love Bones.

Bones: Snow just makes stuff taste good. Like chow mein! It's even gooder stirred up with snow!

I rolled up today’s snowballs, but I botched the job. I failed for the 2nd time since snowboy-building season began.

Snowboy: Almost! So, so close.
But no cigar.

Four seasonal items for New Year’s Eve are now available from Nook Shopping. That includes some sparkling cider, a twelve-grape dish, a Berliner, and some New Year’s noodles.

The new seasonal items available for New Year's Eve.

As I looked through my list of DIY recipes, I saw that I’ve only unlocked two of the festive ornament recipes (and one of those was from Isabelle), even though Christmas was yesterday. I was wondering if that was common, so I posted a poll on Twitter. Take a look:

Apparently, very few players have unlocked most of all of them by the time Christmas came. So how were we supposed to decorate our islands for Christmas? It’s quite disappointing the way that Nintendo has handled this, especially compared to Halloween. Why couldn’t there at least be a way to learn the remainder of them on Toy Day? What good is a Christmas tree going to be in January? And I have a feeling many of us won’t even learn all of the ornament recipes this winter at all!

I hope you’re all enjoying your holiday weekend. I’ll see you all next time.