Picking Pumpkins

Before I get into what happened today, here’s a very quick wrap-up of what happened yesterday:

  • I received my scenic painting in the mail from Jolly Redd, but Blathers informed me that it was a fake.
  • Nook’s Cranny had a spooky arch for 18k, and I bought it.
  • K.K. Slider performed K.K. March for me.

Okay, on to today. The Happy Home Academy sent me my latest house score: 99,271 points. That’s very close to 100k, so I should be able to easily hit the next milestone next week…especially after I put some spooky furniture in my basement, which I’m working on.

The big news of the day is that my pumpkins are now ripe and ready to be picked! I was very happy to see that each plant yielded three pumpkins, not just one! I was also fortunate that most of my pumpkins were orange ones (the kind needed for crafting).

My pumpkin garden.

So I ended up with 21 orange pumpkins, six white ones, and three yellow ones. I still want to grow some green pumpkins too, so I bought two more pumpkin starts and planted them in front of my house.

There was a camper at the campsite, but unlike the last camper, I had no interest in adopting this one. It was Rooney the kangaroo.

Rooney, at the campsite: Heya! I'm just here to do some campin' for a spell. This sure is a nice island.

Nook’s Cranny had a spooky table for sale today, for 22,000 bells. It’s…well, it’s kinda ugly. But I still bought it, for use in my basement. Unlike most of the spooky items I’ve seen, this one wouldn’t exactly look right outdoors.

Tommy: Seems like you're interested in a spooky table.

The store also had dolls for sale, so I bought a few for something I’ll show a bit later in this entry.

Lopez asked me for a new catchphrase, so I told him to say “if I die.” 😛

Lopez: If I die... I don't like that.

You know how I put the spooky standing lamp by Rizzo’s house the other day? Well, I changed my mind about that. Instead, I used my spooky arch, along with a custom sign for Rizzo’s house. 😉

A spooky arch sits in front of Rizzo's house, next to a sign that reads 'My Arch Enemy.'

Louie was crafting a spooky fence, and he gave me the D.I.Y. recipe for it. I haven’t crafted it yet, though.

On the beach, Tia the tea pot elephant gave me a free tea set. Over in Sudden Death Valley, I removed GOB’s magic stand to put in a small new attraction using the tea set and the dolls I bought earlier. This scene works out perfectly, because it recreates an Arrested Development scene, but the dolls are creepy, so it works as a Halloween thing as well.

Three dolls sit around a tea set.

I crafted a spooky tower and a spooky lantern set, and I used them to start transforming Peach Park into Pumpkin Park. I’m not done with it yet, but I already like it. 🎃

Peach Park, partially transformed into Pumpkin Park.

As you can see in that screenshot, Wisp was in town tonight. I collected his spirits for him, and he gave me a stately wall in return.

Shortly after talking Apple out of moving, I wrapped up my game for the night. But I’m feeling good about my Halloween decorations so far, and there are more to come. 🙂

Note: The latest changes to my island haven’t been updated to the dream version of Forest yet, but I’ll update my dream at some point this week.

This weekend, I posted two new ACCF videos: The Best of City Folk Moments, and then a new episode, City Folk Moments #11. Please check them out if you’re an ACCF fan, or if you just want some new Animal Crossing content to watch. Have a great day, and I’ll see you all next time! 🙂

Hornsby’s Photo

Today, I bought a spooky standing lamp at Nook’s Cranny. Its face looks a little…unhappy, so I thought it would be a good thing to place next to Rizzo’s house.

The spooky standing lamp next to Rizzo's house.

I also bought my daily piece of candy, and a bat umbrella. I don’t know if the ghost and bat umbrellas are more likely to show up in October, or if it’s just a coincidence that I’ve had them both show up.

Midge was crafting today, and she taught me the D.I.Y. recipe for a spooky lantern set. The good news is that it only requires four orange pumpkins. I later got the recipe for a spooky tower from a balloon present, and it requires seven orange pumpkins. I still haven’t seen any recipes that use the other three colors of pumpkins, though.

Jolly Redd was in town, so I boarded his ship to check out his art. He had a serene painting that looked real, a scary painting that looked fake, a fake jolly painting, and a scenic painting I wasn’t sure about. Since I already had the serene painting in the museum, I took a chance on the scenic painting.

After a utility sink fell from a tree I shook, I wrapped it up and gave it to Hornsby. I didn’t think it was the best gift, but Hornsby apparently disagreed. He gave me his photo!!!!!

Hornsby: Here, man! It's Hornsby's photo! Enjoy, schnozzle!

I took it home and hung it up on my wall. Hornsby’s favorite saying is “You can’t hit a mosquito with a horseshoe.” I don’t think that’s true, but I’m just excited to finally have Hornsby’s photo! 😀

It’s my 6th villager photo; here’s a look at all six of them so far.

My villager photos of Tia, Keaton, Lopez, Apple, Tybalt, and Hornsby.
Agent S, you’re next! Or at least I hope so.

About 10:00, I opened up my gate for Friday Night Forest. Nami, Ryan from Eventide, Timo, Logan, Alex from A-Nation, Calvin, and Alex from Pawnee came over. I had a larger-than-usual collection of duplicate D.I.Y. recipes for everyone to choose from, so they grabbed some of them up and we wished on some shooting stars.

I then informed them that Redd had a real serene painting, and the first one there got to buy it. Of course, the path there had a hidden pitfall. Logan got there first. 😛

Logan flips out of a pitfall.

We did a little diving, and we hung out at the former Rainbow Road, which I don’t yet have a Halloween name for yet. At about 10:30, Ryan left.

Many of my visitors were wearing costumes. Nami was a witch, Logan was an ogre, Alex from Pawnee changed into Chucky, Alex from A-Nation was a skeleton, and so on.

After hanging out at various spots around town, we went to my house for a while. About 11:20, Xavier came over. I’ve played New Leaf with Xavier before, but this was his first visit to Forest in New Horizons. So I gave him a tour of town, although it was a slow, leisurely tour. 😛

Over by Tybalt’s house (where Tybalt was crafting pitfall seeds), Timo said “number 15.” I was just surprised to see Timo say something! Timo usually doesn’t speak. 😛

Timo: number 15

Once the tour was wrapped up, we headed to the frog race course. We raced, but not in frog suits; we just all wore our own costumes.

Running through the frog race in our Halloween costumes.

Alex from A-Nation (the skeleton) won the race. But I noticed that Xavier never made it to the finish line. He got stuck! We went back to find him, and he could not jump from the spot he was on!

Xavier was stuck, as Nami (dressed as a witch) says she didn't curse him.

We cleared out of the area to make sure none of us were blocking him, but that didn’t help. He still couldn’t jump to any of the adjacent spaces!

I joked that I super-glued that spot on the ground. But he was stuck good, so I suggested that he use the (minus) button to leave, and then come back. He gave it a try, and he was able to leave successfully. Then someone joined in…and it was Ros, not Xavier. 😛

Ros and Nami offered to leave to make room for Xavier to come back, but I didn’t want them to go…it wasn’t their fault, after all. Not that it was anyone’s fault, but it’s kind of an awkward thing. I was just going to let Xavier know if anyone left, or if not, I’d let him come another time. But Nami went ahead and left anyway. So that was very thoughtful of her, even though it wasn’t necessary.

But Nami left and Xavier re-joined us. We went to my house (since Xavier hadn’t seen the inside yet) and I gave a tour of each room. Logan left just a few minutes later. After checking out each room, we had a sneezing/allergy attack in the basement. 😛 Calvin left, and the rest of use took a final photo in the basement.

A group photo taken in my basement.

After that, I ended the session for the night. Thanks to all who came, it was fun! See ya next time! 🙂

October Changes

October has arrived, and so has Halloween season. Jack sent me a letter in the mail, telling me to buy candy to prepare for the big night. He also attached his portrait to the letter. I hung it up in my house, and I noticed that it glows (and dims, repeatedly).

Jack's portrait in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (animated GIF).

The Nook Stop machine in town hall now has new body paint and eye color options available. These will be helpful for certain costumes and characters,.

Jeff with blue skin.
I’m afraid I just blue myself.

And of course, you can now plant pumpkins! Leif was in town, and he was selling pumpkin starts for 140 bells apiece. I bought ten of them for now.

Leif: Since October and Halloween are such close friends, I decided to start selling pumpkin starts!

Leif said that if you water your pumpkins, there will be more to harvest. Also, there are four colors of pumpkins…and you won’t know which is which until they grow.

Leif also had some orange windflower seeds, so I bought a bunch of those as well. Since some of the other orange flowers (especially roses) don’t look quite orange-y enough, I plan on putting lots of orange windflowers at various spots around town for the month.

At Nook’s Cranny, I bought a spooky scarecrow. I also bought a piece of candy. We are limited to one piece of candy per day, which seems extreme, because earlier games didn’t limit us that much. Maybe we won’t need as many in New Horizons?

Timmy: Oh, I'm so sorry, but we can only sell each customer one piece of candy per day.

I wondered where to put my pumpkin patch, and I considered a few places around town. I even thought about replacing the sumo ring! But ultimately, I just chose to plant the pumpkins in my flower garden…for now, at least.

Watering my new pumpkin plants.

Lopez was crafting today, and he gave me my first Halloween D.I.Y. recipe, for a spooky table. Unfortunately, the recipe requires a whopping 14 orange pumpkins to make (in addition to 10 pieces of soft wood). Why so many pumpkins? It makes me question if buying 10 pumpkin plants is going to be enough (especially if only 1/4 of the pumpkins are going to be orange)!

Up on the cliff, I was thrilled when I saw Celeste was in town!

Celeste: I would like you to have it.

She gave me a recipe for a pansy wand. Why does this game need so many types of wands anyway?

How do you all like the October changes in the game? It’ll be more fun in a few days once the pumpkins come in, but so far, so good! 🎃

I’ll be back late tomorrow night with a blog entry about Friday Night Forest. I know I haven’t been opening much lately, but I’m planning on it tomorrow. Hope to see you then!