Visiting Moonscar

When I visited Louie today, I was surprised to see Lopez was also visiting. Lopez was being rude, acting as if I shouldn’t be there.

Lopez: Hey, how'd you get in here? Are you on the guest list?

He said he was just kidding, but I know better.

Agent S told me that she had a fight with Tia, and she wanted to apologize by sending over a gift. She asked me to make the delivery, and of course I helped out. So I took the item over to Tia, and it was a fax machine!

Tia: A fax machine! I guess she does understand me...

Tia actually loved it! She rewarded me by giving me a matanpushi (it’s a hat).

Over in Donkey Kong Country, I spotted a ghost!

Wisp hangs out in Donkey Kong Country.

I collected Wisp’s five spirits, and he rewarded me with a tapestry.

Logan invited me over to his town Moonscar, so I headed there around 9:00. Nami and Jac were also there, and Nicky and Jj also joined in. It was my first time playing with Jac and Nicky, so it was nice to meet them in the game. 🙂 Also, today was Nicky’s birthday, so happy birthday, Nicky!

Logan showed us his new Halloween-themed area. It looked nice, although the skeleton behind bars sure looked familiar! 😉

Logan's Halloween-themed area in his town of Moonscar.

Logan told me to go to Stitches’ house, so I did, and nobody was there. Then he said to go to Kody’s house. I went there too, but apparently not the way Logan wanted me to come. He was trying to pitfall me and he failed. 😛

Jeff, safely on ground: K, I'm here.

We played a game of musical chairs in prison, and I was the first to be eliminated. 😛 Jac ended up being the final winner, so congrats, Jac!

Logan has a new space area, and it’s really cool. But sitting on this chair gave me a moonscar on my butt.

Jeff sits on a crescent moon chair.

We played a six-player round of sumo, and I was the first one out. 😛 It wasn’t my night for games. 😀 Congrats to Nicky for being the big winner. 🎉

Nicky wins a 6-player round of sumo.

Shortly after that, Logan closed the gate. Thanks to Logan, Nami, Jac, Nicky, and Jj for a good time tonight!

Most likely, there won’t be a blog entry tomorrow…because there’s a lot going on later in the week. Thursday is Apple’s birthday, Friday is (probably) Friday Night Forest, and Saturday is the last Bug-Off of the year. So unless something major happens tomorrow, I’ll be back on Thursday.

Autumn Crafting

I found a lost item (an autograph book) on the ground today, and it was covered in sparkly stickers.

It's an autograph book, but it's covered with all kinds of sparkly stickers. It's making my eyes hurt.

That made me think it belonged to a peppy villager, and that meant either Apple or Agent S. I tried Agent S, and it was indeed her book.

Agent S: I totes thought I'd, like, never see my autograph book again. It's so wild that you found it!

She gave me a dandy hat as my reward for returning it.

C.J. was in town, and he wanted me to catch three small fish in a row for his challenge. So I went fishing and caught a freshwater goby, clown fish, and a crucian carp to complete the mission. I grabbed a bunch of fish out of storage and made my way back to C.J.; I sold him everything for 224k.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 224,040 bells. Deal?

(I later sold him an arapaima I caught for an additional 15k).

A balloon present I shot down gave me a DIY recipe for a tree’s bounty lamp. I hadn’t made any of the autumn recipes yet, so I thought this was a good time to take stock of my acorns and pine cones and see what I could make.

So I checked my storage, and I had a grand total of 11 acorns and 5 pine cones. (I also have one acorn at my AC cemetery, but I’m not going to use that for crafting). That didn’t sound like a lot, but it allowed me to make four autumn recipes: the pile of leaves, yellow-leaf pile, traditional balancing toy, and tree’s bounty mobile.

The DIY recipe for a tree's bounty mobile for autumn.

The bad news is that I only have one acorn left, and no pine cones. 😛 But it’s still September, and there’s still plenty of time for me to make the other recipes.

A few other quick notes about today:

  • Tia asked about moving out, but I told her to stay.
  • At Able Sisters, I bought a pharaoh’s outfit to go with my King Tut mask.
  • There was a meteor shower, so I wished on several shooting stars. No sign of Celeste, though.
  • I found Tia sweeping a bridge.

I posted Wi-Fi Moments #12 today, featuring highlights from my last two online play sessions (plus one clip from August that I forgot to include in the previous video).

My new outro has a throwback to some of my older videos that a few of you may remember. Are there any other iconic scenes from any of my previous videos that you think should be in my outro? Let me know!

Have a great day, and I’ll see you next time! 🙂

Ghosts Go Too

I received my latest home score from the Happy Home Academy in the mail today. They gave me 96,518 points, and an S rank. They also informed me that my main room on the first floor (the mermaid room) was my highest-scoring room. That’s what I figured…and it’s also why I need to keep the mermaid stuff up until I earn all of the HHA rewards.

Up by the Animal Crossing cemetery, I noticed a bunch of new budding flowers have appeared.

Five new flower buds near the Animal Crossing cemetery.

It didn’t rain yesterday, so I was a bit confused at first. But then I remembered that last night, I (and others) used a watering can to “attack” Logan from on the cliff, while he was down below, attacking us with a net. 😛

Water/net fight from Saturday Night Forest.

Yellow roses aren’t necessarily a flower I need more of, but at least I figured out the mystery of the new flower buds. 😛

I shot down a balloon present over the other graveyard (the Halloween one), and it contained an anatomical model. It looks like it could be a Halloween item (like a partially dissected body), so I placed it nearby. 😛

I crafted a gold rose wreath and gave it to Hornsby. He told me he would display it, but only after he cleaned his sticky door. I don’t know why his door is sticky, but I was afraid to ask. He gave me a school jacket in return.

Hornsby: Huh? Yeah. Clean my door. Sometimes my doors get...sticky. You telling me your doors don't?

Later on, I found Wisp back by Rizzo’s house. I thought it was amusing that the toilet lid flipped open each time Wisp would float by. 😀

The toilet seat flips up as Wisp floats nearby.

Does Wisp even need a toilet? Well, anytime he drinks some coffee, it passes right through him. 😛 But anyway, he asked me to collect his five spirits for him. I was surprised to find two of them together at the amusement park! Maybe they wanted to play a “Guess My Weight” game. 😉

Two of Wisp's spirits hang out near the amusement park in Forest.

After finding all of Wisp’s spirits, he gave me a stadiometer for helping out.

Video update: I plan on posting Wi-Fi Moments #12 tomorrow, and New Horizons Moments #3 later in the week. Keep an eye out for them! See you soon!